Dry poffle makes good kindlings, but where to find dry poffle is the question.
Page III alert!!
Don't think my boy is gonna make it....
Just so grateful he and I got to spend 5 weeks alone on the island this past summer/fall...was a good tyme....good boy him...eh?
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Thanks Jerry......he means a lot to us.....I've had dogs all my adult life so am a little used to it......not that that makes it any easier.....eventually one of them probably will out live me.....but this is the first critter the bride has raised from a puppy.....she having a hard go.......sadness in the home....not a lot of joy about.....
Sure sorry to hear that Robin .
I understand only too well, been down that road so many times but the sadness and hurt never gets any easier no matter how many. The memories of days and trips shared with them is all I have now, can`t bring myself to get another, my loss but it got just too damm hard seeing them go, each one took a bit of me with them. Never would of had those memories without having them with me, hard trade off in the end.
Thanks John...tight spot right now......watched the daughter saying goodbye to Canso on the morning of the second of Jan when she was headed back to school......wanted to tell her he might not be here when she returns......but kept still.....that's a sight I wont forget......and don't regret saying notthing.....
Sentimental old fool tips a second glass toward the West.
Looking for 621 filters tomorrow .....
Any other JredsS requests?
This is the place I found the NOS 621 cover.......
I did ........no go.......
Probably why I asked.Ahhh....did I ask you that before?? Seems like I might have.....
Is that the switch you found for me from someone you knew ? Any other saws have the same switch ? I stihl have all my red saws . Couple of them are parts saws . Sept the 80 is Robs .You might ask about a 451EV heated handle switch.....
Is that the switch you found for me from someone you knew ? Any other saws have the same switch ? I stihl have all my red saws . Couple of them are parts saws . Sept the 80 is Robs .