Been slack posting, not slack working, many things to do.
Get your slickers and get back to pulling pots!THis is not looking good....but stihl quite a ways off.......hopefully it'll steer a bit further east.....
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Planning on heading for the island Thurs......returning Sun.....plans may have to change depending on sea conditions. Trying to get back on the trailer in heavy seas is not a good plan. May have to come in earlier......or a day or two later. Can't do much with the interwebs out there so won't be able to monitor the coming weather conditions as closely as I can from here. Looks like, presently at least, that Dorian is likely passing offshore on it's way to see Dan and Jerry......only time will tell.Get your slickers and get back to pulling pots!
Didn't even hurt my tarp/boat cover. Pickup chips and beer.Slacckers ! We got a hurricane approaching, all efforts to be in ready mode being exerted.
Had a force 2 hurricane blow through here last Saturday, lost power/electricity on Sat afternoon, just got it back tonight, internet was spotty during that period as well, TV and phones, worked occasionally. Thousands of trees down all over the province.
Once things normal out Danny'll be in heaven.......lotsa FREE Wood!!!!!
your work is sooo cleen.Boat's all fueled and other fluids checked......propane's is all aboard and secured.....meeting my friend John at two this afternoon at the town dock on the island. We'll use the crane and hoist the tanks out of my boat and set them right in the back of his truck........all my ducks are in a row so far!!! Nice day here!!
Couple pics of the racks I threw together for the old fella's truck......White oak for the stakes left over from some project......all the rest is clear vertical grain doug fir that was packing for something or other...can't remember what......FREE STUFF!! Did have to break down and buy $16 worth of galv carriage bolts, washers, loc washers and nutz.
I am gonna fill in the head board more on either side later but gotta save up for more bolts.......
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You are too much.Got back with the three 100 lb propane tanks and realized my tractor was stihl up at Hoss's....How the hell am I gonna get them aboard?......damn tanks are heavy to boost up 5 1/2 feet to get them ovah the side of the to load them here rather than struggle them down the slip at the dock.......hmmmmm....I'm all alone......hmmmm. Came up with a scheme that worked very nice. Opened up the big doors at the shop and put the lift up....backed the tailgate of the truck in under the ramps and let the lift down of the tailgate and rolled them out onto the lift platforms and put the lift all the way up then backed the stern of the Seaway in under the ramps.......let the lift down until the ramps were sitting level on the stern and rolled them right aboard!!! I like muh lift!!!! A LOT!!!!
Time to head all have a good weekend....hopefully Dan and Jerry won't get blown away!!!
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You are too much.