Looks like busy work Jerry!!!! Was this up to your camp?
Here's what I spent some time with ovah the weekend...afta the hurrycane whizzed by. Got the new to me Honda genny out as the bride wanted to use the 'lectric egg beetah to make banana bread......got about haff done, then had to dig out the old briggs riggs...damn thing started second pull after sitting 10 months. Me and that Hondah going to have a reckoning........ordered a brandy new on today...the "Companion" model but 2200 watts.....if I can remedy this one can run them in parallel......put out 4.2K and can lug one in each hand......way better than my Kazawki 3800 take two men and a small boy to move it...and it has wheels!!!
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I know those small gennys are real handy and capable when running right, best of luck getting it fixed up right.
So.......afta I realized I didn't have the tools on the island to completely tear the Hondah down we took the dogz for a walk....this is afta the hurrycane was long gone.........note the absence of any credible seas on the shore! Apparently the hurrycane was busy with Dan and Jerry at the tyme these pics were taken.
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Well............git chir azz up heah!!!!.......it's still there and the camp is way better than it was when you were up last.......even got a civilized place for you to sleep!!Miss that place Lad......
All clearing and wood cutting was done by my neighbor using only Hooskvarnahz........if you're gonna do this quality work you gotta start with good equipment!!!
Damn!!! You going back a century or two.....how long it been since you been on heah??? Fekkin Stihlacktite.....Even Rosie O'Donnell will look good when you set the bar that low from the start Lol
Been busy you know , no downtime when you run Stihls , just like a Timex they be , "Takes a licken' but keeps on ticken' !"
Unlike a WhoskaI'mbrokedagainfixmeonemoretimekavarna ....
Had to take the bride to a romantic sand beach........a true State O' Maine sand beach!!! No nekkid ladies to be seen..........signed ..."sad here in west igloo"......guess the grainz of sand might be a bit coarse for nekkivity............and the beach a bit steep for some for laying on........
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Glad to see yall survived dorian. Hope yall stay well