I really am looking for picture bars for the sale, we have near by reservations with 40" Oak and Alligator.
what are you in need ofHave 32" bar and chain good condition large mount husqvarna to swap
No, I was able to find one.Are you still looking for top handle?
BumpNeed coil for Homelite XL-100 series, Remington SL-9, 10, 14 and 16, or john Deere equivalent. This is a non-electronic Wicco coil.
Got trade fodder or green stuff
Who is setting on all the Pioneer bars for p51's and p62's???? I got one of the bay and it was the wrong mount, does anyone know the pioneer numbers for the old bars?
What size you lookin for? Bryce has several on ebay that will fit. There are some listed as the P51/62 (D007) on ebay that are not D007.
A Husky D009 can easily be modded to fit the P51/62.... done it many times.
Broke down and bought new . LOLLooking for a tooless clutch cover for a Husky 235E . Got PP and a few parts to trade . TIA
Im looking for a choke control for a husqvarna 268xp. As almost all of you know something from a 61, 266, 272 will also likely work.
have a farmsaw if that helpsLooking for Pioneer Farmsaw II parts. In particular, a starter assembly and air filter top. I also would be very interested in a parts saw.
I might have that in NOS. Can you give me the part #s and a discription or pics of those parts.I am in need of the antivibe elements and screws for a husqvarna 36
http://www.ebay.com/itm/NEW-HUSQVAR...998?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item231421e8eeI might have that in NOS. Can you give me the part #s and a discription or pics of those parts.
Mine are not in a set and I couldn't find what they fit, some look like some of them in that set.
Thank you for replying, I have one on the way from another member. One should do me for now.How many do you need?