Dang I forgot the picture. Duh!
The saw since the picture now has a decomp installed on it.
The saw since the picture now has a decomp installed on it.
what type of reloading stuff ya looking for ?? I might have a few things laying around.
Here it is.I have way to many irons in the fire right now, and am seeming to get other peoples saws, and not have time for my own.
Also I have a 064. It has all the majors, Brand new 660 BB, along with a Mahl 064 cylinder.
It needs everything for the chainbreak from the handle to the band. Also the misc nuts and bolts.
I cant post pics, but tjbier should be chiming in with pics I sent him.
If you want more pics shoot me a PM.
Nothing realy chainsaw related that I am in need of right now. So some dead presidents, or reloading equiptment for brass.
If you could get one with just a nice cylinder, then I already have a "special" piston to use in your build, that will bump compression considerably (200 psi range.)
I found a carb and blocks off a Jred 670 if anybody is interested.
Just throwing this out there for intersting trades before it goes up for sale. A Poulan Pro 475/Partner 7700/ Jonsered 2077 or what ever you want to call it. It's fresh, and pretty stout.
Don't have to be a even trade either, can go up or down.
Saws that interest me are a 288XP, PP655BP or throw something at me I haven't thought about yet.
I have a Zama C3M from a 044.
I would trade it for a adjustable hi jet carb for a 026....
I would like to port the 026, but don't really want to go thru putting an 044 carb on it.
time permitting, please PM and let me know more about the piston.
i'll bet you are still decompressing from your last asignment/trip?![]()
notgonnaask/offer notgonnaask/offer notgonnaask/offer notgonnaask/offer notgonnaask/offer notgonnaask/offer DOAH! :bang:
IF I had a PP655BP, I would LOVE to trade it, but YOU KNOW I couldn't do that!!
what are you thinking of asking? 1st in line.
I need to really offer a trade though...
how about.... a ms310034AV
McCulloch 3200 with case? :bang: :bang:
OK Jay, if it's a bidding war you want...........then you're gonna get it!!!
:chatter: :chatter: :chatter: :chatter:
Take that Jay! That's right. I know you can't take the heat I'm dishin' out...
So Mark....................... I'll ship all that worthless stuff and the coal the missus got me for christmas to you ASAP...:hmm3grin2orange:
I'll throw in a Muckullan pro mac 40, and a Muckaluck 790 too...
you sure you want the 24" bar that's on the 790??
Dang I forgot the picture. Duh!
The saw since the picture now has a decomp installed on it.
Aaron..always clutterin' up the thread with the idle :chatter:
IF I had any large homie or Mac bars, I'd put them on Ebay starting @ $80, then $125, then $175, etc, etc...
I wanna make an offer on that but i think the old lady will kill me. Thats nice enough to make me consider the Homie 922 I have. How about a complete Mall #6 :biggrinbounce2:
I wanna make an offer on that but i think the old lady will kill me. Thats nice enough to make me consider the Homie 922 I have. How about a complete Mall #6 :biggrinbounce2:
Probably??? too much Saranac tonite, buddy?![]()
do you like being married? lol
Course, If this saw was something in my possession, then I would NEED to find a Partner 7700, and a j-red 2077 to accompany it![]()
Still undecided about 922 worthy but surly Mall #6 material though![]()
Mac. Eager Beaver 2.3" (38cc) wanted. Yeah, I know they are ugly.
A.K.A.: models E.B. 2316, E.B. 2318, Silver Eagle 2318, Mac 3818, Pro Mac 3805 and MacCat super 18. (probably others but you get the picture.)
Have Craftsman 36cc w/16" to trade. Model 358.350462 (I don't know which Poulan it is.) Works very good, cut up a coord of green walnut in September. Needs the fuel pick up line replaced someday.