Duke Thieroff
Fill your hands, you SOB!
Chris, I'll need to check my 49SP parts. I'm guessing that you're speaking of the two-piece rear handle?
I actually found it good sir. I thank you though.
Much obliged.
Chris, I'll need to check my 49SP parts. I'm guessing that you're speaking of the two-piece rear handle?
Finally got a Homelite XL-925 coming!!:biggrinbounce2: Im in need of a good bar and chain for it id like to get something 28"-32" anyone have something laying around?? Have $ to trade.
You could check Bailey's website if you have $$.
I have checked bailey's they only have 2 bars to choose from in the size im looking for would like a homelite bar but dosent matter. Just thought i would check with u guys first. Probably a few more options here.
Did you check the closeout section? I got new 28" and 33" Carlton sprocket nose bars in the closeout section not long ago for $60 total.
Been outta the loop for a bit...
wrap handle
tank assembly
muffler cover and screws
top cover with decent emblem (075 preferably...)
I have lots of parts/saws to trade, stihl, husky, 372, etc.. plus green paper, or emotional support
Thanks guys..
I got some 051 stuff, I think you know what I want!
Jay, i can't help you with parts, but i had wondered what happened to you! good to see you around. maybe the work thing will get straightened out soon.
137 parts?
got some pics you can email?
Ya, PM me your email again. Don't know if I still got it. I've got a 051 parts saw, I think its all there. I think its locked up though.
and you won't even care when she drops that baby in your arms the first time!!!! i love my wife, but i love her as a mother even more!!
Congrats Jay !
Just get used to the moodiness, it never goes away once they get pregnant!
and you won't even care when she drops that baby in your arms the first time!!!! i love my wife, but i love her as a mother even more!!