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Finally got a Homelite XL-925 coming!!:biggrinbounce2: Im in need of a good bar and chain for it id like to get something 28"-32" anyone have something laying around?? Have $ to trade.
I have checked bailey's they only have 2 bars to choose from in the size im looking for would like a homelite bar but dosent matter. Just thought i would check with u guys first.:) Probably a few more options here.

Did you check the closeout section? I got new 28" and 33" Carlton sprocket nose bars in the closeout section not long ago for $60 total.
Haven't had much luck with spark this week. I know its not a chainsaw but does anyone have a coil for a Troy-Bilt trimmer. Its a tb75ss, but I think any coil for a 2 stroke tb trimmer would work. Correct me if I'm wrong. Thanks

well my brother asked me again if he had any bites on his solo 603 ,So thought i would throw it out there again , Its a solo 603 , nice big saw and she is a runner , i have a pic of mine in my profile if u want to look , other wise i will have to take pics for more interested viewers , thanks

Been outta the loop for a bit...

was working like a mad-man...THEN, I was told on Sat that I needed to take a lay-off till our building that was structurally damaged from the snow is repaired, and operating again... :dizzy:

NOT a good time...:cry: BUT no point in complaining.. :check:

I'm in need of some things to finish some projects, do some cutting (when all the snow melts...:laugh: ) and to sell off some projects...


350 pump gear

254-262 chainbrake assembly
257-262 top handle
257 top cover

wrap handle... nice shape, please :D

357-359 filter

625-670 chainbrake cover
670 top cover

2063-2065-2071-2163-2165 2171
top cover
wrap handle



wrap handle
tank assembly
muffler cover and screws
top cover with decent emblem (075 preferably...) :D


Dual port muffler

I have lots of parts/saws to trade, stihl, husky, 372, etc.. plus green paper, or emotional support :laugh:

Thanks guys..

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Been outta the loop for a bit...



wrap handle
tank assembly
muffler cover and screws
top cover with decent emblem (075 preferably...) :D

I have lots of parts/saws to trade, stihl, husky, 372, etc.. plus green paper, or emotional support :laugh:

Thanks guys..


I got some 051 stuff, I think you know what I want!
I got some 051 stuff, I think you know what I want!

137 parts? :laugh:

got some pics you can email?

Jay, i can't help you with parts, but i had wondered what happened to you! good to see you around. maybe the work thing will get straightened out soon.

I wish that was the case...building needs to be torn down (pre-engineered steel structure...not just a 'simple' tear the roof off, and reinstall..)

Nice to be back (on AS, not unemployment. :laugh: ) I was putting in about 50 hrs/wk, plus 3hrs a day travel for a couple weeks.

I know atleast Will (And i'm SURE MANY MANY others...) can attest to how TIRING physically (and mentally, especially when your @ a new place..) being an auto tech can be. or ANY physically demanding job...

I may not have been the fastest guy...but dedication, and willingness to learn was there...

Motivation is SEVERELY hampered @ the moment. I have yet to tell the Missus'. We're expecting in Sept, and she's moody as it is...:rolleyes: :dizzy:

thanks for the support guys.
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Motivation is SEVERELY hampered @ the moment. I have yet to tell the Missus' we're expecting in Sept, and she's moody as it is...:rolleyes: :dizzy:

thanks for the support guys.[/QUOTE]

Congrats Jay ! :cheers:

Just get used to the moodiness, it never goes away once they get pregnant!
and you won't even care when she drops that baby in your arms the first time!!!! i love my wife, but i love her as a mother even more!!

That right there is quotable! (I my steal it Neal!)
I will keep a good roof and food on the table if my wife cares for the lil'one!
Congrats Jay ! :cheers:

Just get used to the moodiness, it never goes away once they get pregnant!

and you won't even care when she drops that baby in your arms the first time!!!! i love my wife, but i love her as a mother even more!!

Thanks guys :cheers:

she's in pain, uncomfortable, gets sick ALOT, bla bla bla. she's 5'1" so it takes alot out of her...especially being on her feet all day...

Hell, so I don't have to hear it, I'll trade a couple LOW hr saws for a job...

066 flat-top with decomp
CLEAN husky 40 :)


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