Oh, yes......the Swap Meet.... Anyone have an 18" roller-nose bar for an 090...?? Could even be hard-nose, or even sprocket....![]()
Got that,
Let me know if you need.
Oh, yes......the Swap Meet.... Anyone have an 18" roller-nose bar for an 090...?? Could even be hard-nose, or even sprocket....![]()
Are you sure of that...???
At one point, the 'currency', your cash, did at least admit it's constitutional illegitimacy...now, of course, being wholly unbacked. Check this 1950 FRN:
So, then....the reasonable question should have been, when one would have seen such a 'note': If this is NOT 'lawful money', then what the heck is...and, WHAT,
then, is this thing...???? [Hint: the Constitution provides that a 'dollar' is 370 some-odd grains of SILVER, period. ]
Wanna know the real story? Just get a copy of the book 'The Creature from Jekyll Island - A second look at the Federal Reserve', by G. Edward Griffin. It'll bring new meaning to the term funny money'.
Oh, yes......the Swap Meet.... Anyone have an 18" roller-nose bar for an 090...?? Could even be hard-nose, or even sprocket....![]()
no, I don't have a bar for you, but I have been trying to buy a medium to large saw (because i actually need one, I am not a collector) with real round and shiny constitutional money for awhile here on the classifieds and have yet to even get a "get lost, quit bothering me-no, go away" back as a response. Just..ignored..no response at all.
LOL !! rep overated anyway Mark
think the campfire option with donations best thing for it anyway..
I have a whole bunch of stuff in the classifieds. I'll entertain trades and/or cash on it all.
Looking for a starter housing or assembly for a Husky 385. Numerous parts and cash for barter.
Anyone have a 455/460 fuel tank/crankcase?
I am looking for a Husky 235 or a Husky 240
If anybody has one they want to sell or trade, please let me know.
As long as you don't mind one from a 390 I probably have it.
I can get this for you.
Best I can do is look. Thought i saw one or a 41.
Guys, I have got a LOT of once fired .223 brass.
If anyone is interested send me a PM.
I'm getting ready to take it to the recycler.
Guys, I have got a LOT of once fired .223 brass.
If anyone is interested send me a PM.
I'm getting ready to take it to the recycler.
I'm looking for a coil for a Stihl 075 and one for a Stihl 051. Any one have one laying around, PM me. I have parts to trade and $$$
I'll check my 051 parts saw for the coil, not sure if it has one or not.