Swap meet...

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Are you sure of that...???

At one point, the 'currency', your cash, did at least admit it's constitutional illegitimacy...now, of course, being wholly unbacked. Check this 1950 FRN:

So, then....the reasonable question should have been, when one would have seen such a 'note': If this is NOT 'lawful money', then what the heck is...and, WHAT,
then, is this thing...???? [Hint: the Constitution provides that a 'dollar' is 370 some-odd grains of SILVER, period. ]

Wanna know the real story? Just get a copy of the book 'The Creature from Jekyll Island - A second look at the Federal Reserve', by G. Edward Griffin. It'll bring new meaning to the term funny money'.

Oh, yes......the Swap Meet.... Anyone have an 18" roller-nose bar for an 090...?? Could even be hard-nose, or even sprocket....;)

no, I don't have a bar for you, but I have been trying to buy a medium to large saw (because i actually need one, I am not a collector) with real round and shiny constitutional money for awhile here on the classifieds and have yet to even get a "get lost, quit bothering me-no, go away" back as a response. Just..ignored..no response at all.

So, I'll just give up, I'll get one local once the big crash panic hits harder and people are losing their shirts with their green paper and wall street electronic promises to pay.

I am very patient.

I knew..and predicted..back in 62 in a report I wrote that long term the US was toast economically and would collapse. I mean it is incredibly simple basic math. So far, I have been right as per timing (my prediction was it would coincide with baby boomers getting to retirement age/SS checks..it can't be done, mathematical impossibility short of hyper inflation..then add in government employee pensions and promises to pay this or that...buh bye, the USA will go the way of the USSR)

200 trillion in projected liabilities and 14 trill a year gross product and loss of millions and millions of wealth producing manufacturing jobs that are never, ever coming back...toast, well burnt, un buttered toast.

beans, bullets and bullion, all the "stock" you need. Fiat toilet paper "money" will become a joke.

got an A on that badboy paper I remember.... and some hard stares from the teachers
no, I don't have a bar for you, but I have been trying to buy a medium to large saw (because i actually need one, I am not a collector) with real round and shiny constitutional money for awhile here on the classifieds and have yet to even get a "get lost, quit bothering me-no, go away" back as a response. Just..ignored..no response at all.

What are you looking for?.............................................I LOVE constitutional money!!!:msp_w00t:

I have a whole bunch of stuff in the classifieds. I'll entertain trades and/or cash on it all.


I sent ya an email with some pics of what you were looking for :D

as you know, I'm interested in the j-red. :cheers:

Zogger... I sent you a PM... I need some insight ;)
Husky 235 wanted

I am looking for a Husky 235 or a Husky 240

If anybody has one they want to sell or trade, please let me know.

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Looking for a starter housing or assembly for a Husky 385. Numerous parts and cash for barter.


As long as you don't mind one from a 390 I probably have it.

Anyone have a 455/460 fuel tank/crankcase?

I can get this for you.

I am looking for a Husky 235 or a Husky 240

If anybody has one they want to sell or trade, please let me know.


Best I can do is look. Thought i saw one or a 41.
i`ve got a Pioneer 650 i`d be up to trade for anything interesting since nobody seems to wanna trade any money for it, also a big lot of snap on universal joint sockets.

i`d like to trade for a bigger stihl or husky but if your interested and have anything to trade lemme know, worst I can say is no.

Guys, I have got a LOT of once fired .223 brass.
If anyone is interested send me a PM.
I'm getting ready to take it to the recycler.


rumor only, unverfied yet. big executive order coming down shortly, partly to counter the now starting to go big bad press from "fast and furious", a misdirection. The order will pertain to transfers and large cap mags.

Don't sell your brass.....

anyway, I'm looking for anything 70cc or above, new enough vintage to have good anti vibe and chainbrake, with parts availability of the new manufacture aftermarket kind, no weirdo antiques in other words or saws where pistons and cylinders cost near as much as an identical running used saw. Already got one of them things, want a more practical model that I can use and maintain myself adequately.

At this time though I am being (in a way...in a way not) chintzy with my constitutional money for use as a monetary bartering medium, as the big SHTF is coming soon and trade potential will jump dramatically..and like I said, I am very patient. Been waiting forty plus years, I can wait some more. But..open to offers and negotiations via PM.

I really wish I had more "saw stuff" to participate here, for swapping but I am really new to gathering old junkers and working on them, etc. Heck, I went decades with the "cheap small used" one saw plan..now that I am on this farm though, I just slap need more than that, no way around it. I have some small poulan and homelite carcasses, that's it. None of them are any kind of special. Some look to be runners once I get to them, but my priorities are elsewhere right now, my truck with parts and a larger saw and fix some other crap I have here I need to have working, my wheelhorse for one. I got by with my hand tiller this year, but man, it just ain't the same as a rider tiller with a 36 inch cut. I don't have any sort of stuff for the deutz I use for gardening, so the wheelhorse is it.
I need a couple of the heat deflector/shield thingamajig that goes behind the muffler on a Husky 61/66/268/272 or Jonsy 625/630/670 (part number is 503 51 99-01 if anyone cares) Tell me what you need and I'll see if I've got one of those, or there's always cash (Paypal).


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