Go lay down somewhere, you obviously have a fever.:cool2:
Just checking to see how bad you wanted it? :hmm3grin2orange: But really I wanted it to go with my Wizzard and Poulan just like it!
Go lay down somewhere, you obviously have a fever.:cool2:
Just checking to see how bad you wanted it? :hmm3grin2orange: But really I wanted it to go with my Wizzard and Poulan just like it!
can anybody use this POS ?????? i got it running,, it is complete saw,,, it needs air filter,,fuel line and carb kit,, it will run if you bottle feed it,, i just don't want to mess with the dang thing,, ohhh yea,, i already got it all cleaned up,,, what???? o8f150 seems ill??? yep,, i don't feel good at all,, guess i need to stop working on saws when i don't feel good,,,, but someone please take this POS off my hands for just the shipping or i would trade for some poulan/echo bars
Cool beans. They're good strong little saws for sure. I didn't need it very bad either.
Just though I would toss a saw I have on here and see if there is any interest in it. I have a real nice echo 610 evl twin that is a good runner.not beat up and the paint is real good. for trade or sale. i'm not really interested in a project but maybe the rite one. I would like nice 026/260 pro,044/046/460, or 064/066/650/660 in the Stihl colors. Huskys too or a piped hot rod
can't get the pict to load but will try again later. thanks
Anybody have a spare flywheel for a 254 Husky, or something that will fit.
Slowing eliminating reasons for the eratic spark...
Gets expensive! haha.
Parts, $, and knowledge to trade.![]()
knowledge to trade.![]()
NOS Homelite 330 clutch springs, or a good clutch, anybody? I've tried several used clutches that felt a lot better than the one that came with the saw and didn't get the results I wanted, so I might have to go the NOS route, but if you have a known good clutch, I'm interested.
Any one got a dolmar 143 cylinder they would trade or sell. Don't care how dirty, just so it is serviceable?
Good luck with that search. It took me about 9 months bf I finally found one. The 343 cut-off saw cylinder is the same as a 143.
I'm needing another Stihl 045/056 Felling Spike. Anyone got one that looks like this one? Trade? Green?
Looking for a Mini Mac 35 (Lo) needle screw and spring.All I'm attempting or putting in this one for a neighbor.Carb has MDC 9 on it.Thanks reply to PM .Thanks,David
Couple in the barn, I'll check in the AM.