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This is the same frog. Can you tell?

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:surprised3: :p
I've been trying every night to record the bronze/green and leopard frogs singing in the pond, but every time I open the back door they clam up.:nofunny:
I've tried turning the light off first, standing there in the dark, but they won't fall for it.
Tonight I decided to try sneaking up on them by going out the front door and walking around back in the dark.
Bad idea.
Not only were they not fooled, but I walked into this guy hanging on the carport. :eek:🕷️

Oh well.

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Found something new in the tad tank this morning.:oops:
It's a little one and it looked like it was struggling to stay afloat so I picked it up and set it on the lip then went for my camera.
After getting a quick photo, I tried to pick him up, but he jumped into the grass and disappeared.

Never seen anything like it and nothing like it found on a google search.
It may be a toad and not a frog and I'm thinking the red dots, if not some kind of disease, could be a warning sign that it's toxic to predators?
I have no idea.
I sent an email and photos to https://www.leaps.ms/index.html asking for help identifying it.

Anyone have an idea what it is?

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Ms. Porch froggie is humongous!
I've only seen her sitting on the ledge under the light and some days she goes off elsewhere.
First time I've seen her in this spot near the door - maybe heading back up to her perch for her evening meal.

That was a friend of Ms. Froggie.
She's back in her favorite spot now - and this one is still to the side of the door - and - there's a third tree frog above the door sill. :oops: :p:happybanana:
Happy froggies everywhere! 🐸
Was able to record the frogs tonight after a heavy rain... I guess they were making so much noise they didn't hear me. :p
I can hear the Cope's Gray tree frog, he's the loudest also the Southern Leopard, and Pickerel. I think I also hear a green frog and the wood frog. Not sure about the one that sounds like a pig grunting? Might be the Pickerel.

I caught Smoo (cat) carrying Ms. Froggie in the front yard this morning. Luckily I got hold of her, didn't see any damage, and put her back in her home pond. She jumped out of my hand and into the tall grass, but a few minutes later while I was working in the garden she came out to sit on her favorite sunning rock. :havingarest:

I swear, that cat can jump like a gazelle!
I added about 2' to the top of the fence with extra fencing and twine.
Hopefully that'll keep him OUT.
Bad Cat!

I'm beginning to understand the frustration some of you have with keeping deer out of the garden, :dizzy:


Found a little tree frog in my bathroom sink this morning. :heart:
I was filling up the cats water bowl and noticed something half under the drain/stopper.
Didn't have my glasses on, got a closer look and -

He willingly got on my fingers and I cupped him so he wouldn't jump off and get lost in the house on my way to the back door. Put him on the siding near the porch light.

What a great way to start the day!

I'm just wondering how he got in there?