New fence worked - around the tad tank, but something knocked down the garden gate/fence.
So, I moved part of the garden fence and made a "breezeway" between the tad tank and the garden area.
The invader still can't get into the tank, and could still get into the garden, but it will be more difficult.

And now the frogs can get from one pond to the other more safely.
I think the frogs are feeling more secure with the new fence being there, they don't hide from me any more. I counted a combination of ten Pickerel's, Bronze, and Leopard frogs in the tad tank this morning.
Bronze frog in the frog pond. This one lets me get real close.
I also spotted, for the first time, tiny green froglets in that pond.
After watering the garden area, I noticed this little Cope's gray tree frog on an Ocoee leaf.
I think this is the one I hear in there at night, but haven't been able to spot before.
Perfect conditions for the frogs, but awful for me - too darn hot and too many sweat bees and bitey-flies.