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Pretty sure these are the same two I spotted on Sunday.

Still - Hundreds - in the tank!
He/she's still there! All day, every day. :laugh:
It probably joins the evening pool party sometime.
I'm wanting to fix that loose fixture, but going to have to wait until it moves out.
frog on porch light.JPG
So, the tad tank isn't sitting level, there's about a 4" slope, with the water to the lip on the down side and a 4" air space under the overlapping section of vinyl on the opposite side.
Yesterday I noticed a gross yellow bubbly foam under the flap so I cleaned it out of there.
I noticed a few dead froglets under there, thought maybe they had gotten stuck between the two layers of vinyl when the water level went down?? Who knows.
Anyway, I bought some pool "noodles" this morning to keep the flap raised, allowing more air space.

When I lifted up the vinyl - holy moley! - dozens of little froglets under there. :oops::laugh:

My my...those are beautiful...like something disney tries to create in pixar movies...
They really are.
I bought two of each, very small, on eBay back in May and they multiplied and quickly filled up my two smaller ponds (kiddie pools). I transfer them to the tad tank, but the more I move, the more they multiply!!:dizzy: Kind of like the minnows I had last year.
I'd like to hold some over the winter so I don't have to buy them again, but haven't figured out how just yet.
Tad Tank Massacre!!!

I suspected something had been messing with the tank when I saw some of the water lettuce had been splashed over the side into the grass.
Lots of frogs in the pond and a couple on the lip so I thought everything was okay... got the camera and took some photos..

Then I let the cat out and he went straight to the lawn chair near the pond and staked out underneath... scoping the tank.
I came inside to get the camera and by the time I got back out he had a large frog pinned down in the grass. :mad:

Cat got a smack in the head and put back inside.
Got some gloves and went looking for Mr. Froggie.


He was stunned, but appears to be okay otherwise, didn't see any injuries or punctures.

On closer inspection of the area around the tank I did find one casualty - with obvious bite punctures.
No doubt it was the cat.


Headed to Lowes to get fencing materials.

As soon as the tank is vacant of tads, hopefully in another month or so, I'm going to make it permanent and more stable and secure similar to the other two smaller ponds.

This has been a learning process, but as time goes on things are definitely improving on the frog farm and the number of frogs is growing by leaps and bounds, literally.:cool: :havingarest:
The scene of the crime... and a suspicious looking character.
New fence.
crime scene.JPG

Evidence - looks like feline to me!



I saw this near the fish pond - looks like a python head to me. :surprised3: Or a giant lizard.
Likely a leaf, but I didn't get any closer to check. :p

Pic of a pubescent frog on a hyacinth blossom. I don't think thats ever been done before. You know that book/movie about the girl where the crawdads grow.....is that you?
Aww, loved that movie.
Yup, that's me. :heart:🐸

I was going to enter that one in the fair, but when I picked up my order, 11 x 14, the guy who works there said they need to be 8 x 10 on 11 x 13 poster board for fair entry. He knows, He's a pro and has been a judge for photography in the past.
I bought a nice frame for it, but haven't decided if I want to go through the hassle of ordering a duplicate, different size.
Plus, in the rules, it says if you win Best of Show you have to be present for presentation of awards. I don't like that idea. First place is only $3. I've already spent $50 on two prints and two frames.
Although, If I win I could say a few political words in favor of Trump and Kennedy. :laughing:

What do you think?
Blue ribbon worthy?
I think so, but I'm biased. To me it looks like a Georgia O'Keefe painting.
(Only mine is much better. :))
Aww, loved that movie.
Yup, that's me. :heart:🐸

I was going to enter that one in the fair, but when I picked up my order, 11 x 14, the guy who works there said they need to be 8 x 10 on 11 x 13 poster board for fair entry. He knows, He's a pro and has been a judge for photography in the past.
I bought a nice frame for it, but haven't decided if I want to go through the hassle of ordering a duplicate, different size.
Plus, in the rules, it says if you win Best of Show you have to be present for presentation of awards. I don't like that idea. First place is only $3. I've already spent $50 on two prints and two frames.
Although, If I win I could say a few political words in favor of Trump and Kennedy. :laughing:

What do you think?
Blue ribbon worthy?
I think so, but I'm biased. To me it looks like a Georgia O'Keefe painting.
(Only mine is much better. :))
Yes it is blue ribbon worthy, I mean, how many hours would it take to capture that again? And you know its not about the $3....Its about sharing with those that can't cultivate that habitat.
Yes it is blue ribbon worthy, I mean, how many hours would it take to capture that again? And you know its not about the $3....Its about sharing with those that can't cultivate that habitat.
Ummm... I can do that all day long. :laughing:
The little ones let me pick them up. I didn't pose the one in that pic, but I can easily repeat it.
But, I get you're point.
Idk. Still thinking about it.
But, Thank you for the vote of confidence. :)
Ummm... I can do that all day long. :laughing:
The little ones let me pick them up. I didn't pose the one in that pic, but I can easily repeat it.
But, I get you're point.
Idk. Still thinking about it.
But, Thank you for the vote of confidence. :)
Are you using a 35 MM Camera or what?
Are you using a 35 MM Camera or what?
No. That's another reason I'm hesitant to compete in a photography contest... I have a Sony Cybershot that's about 10 years old!
I would feel bad if I beat out someone who has knowledge of photography, actually put out some effort, and used a really good camera. :rolleyes:
I'm just lucky, sometimes I get really great photos, and sometimes, not.
It's not like I know anything about photography.

Does that make sense?