Well, something got into the big pond again and a lot of the water sloshed out.
So, good time to do a reconstruction on it.
I've emptied it and started to dig out the center; plan on using the pool as a liner.
Think I'm going to lay cardboard down first, then a layer of straw, then the vinyl liner.
I'm having a hard time figuring out what the pond outer diameter should be though, any help would be appreciated.
The pool is 8' diameter, not counting the approximately 2' sides which will be be part of the overlap.
I want to have two levels in the pond, center about 3' deep, with a 1' deep, 1' wide ledge around that.
I'm going to make a double row rock border around it, with soil filled in center for plants.
It's going to be just like the other two I made, but with a deep part and a circling ledge.
The other two, I just dug the hole and put in the kiddie pool and built up the soil around it for the flower bed.
Here's what I've got so far.
Tomorrow, I'm going to start moving the rocks from the barn to the pond area.

Carefully. I think that's how I ended up with a herniated disk.
The kiddie pool is just for the size of the center deep part, I'm not going to use that in this pond.