Tailgate Party

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Thanks to everyone that came , I had a great time with the guys.
The different wood sure changes the set-ups on carbs and chains, there was no question who had the best chains there and that would be Crofter, the rest of use used what ever we had to run, Hunter's chains which were his work chains cut very well to, there were rumors of Crofter having 40 hours in his MS 260 chain, myself I just used old work chains and filed them up , just no time but they cut ok .
Russ made the mistake of paying for dinner, it was a good thing we didn't go to a high dollar place cause Russ is a big boy but I donot think he could believe how much food we could put away, it was like a bunch of pigs being feed slop, Russ just stayed back and made sure he didnot get in the way cause you could get stuck with a fork pretty easy around my end of the table if you got in the way or if you arm looked good.
I have to say Jokers is a real nice guy and a straight shooter, and his boy was unbelievable , never said nothing seemed pretty happy during the whole day , not many kids would be like that, and all this with it raining off and on,
Frank you have to come clean here now , you were standing on a 12 inch block , just kidding , but in that picture you do seem to be alittle smaller, well it was fun and hope we have more and some at different spots so different people can come and hang-out
Sounds like I missed a good time. What saws did you guys runs and what were the times on some of them. Bot for a guy who was in the hospital almost left for dead he sure did come around quick. Or should I say doesn't listen to his doctors.
Well, Miss Hathaway used to wave cash around under Mr. Drysdale's nose to bring him around.&nbsp; Different stuff works like that for different folks.&nbsp; Maybe for John it's both smell <i>and</i> sound.
Glen I think he may have some serious trouble timbercruising or doing any select cuts. Even with Hunter for a guide Gypo couldnt tell the difference between hard maple and basswood standing timber. Maybe he will be all right by spring when the leaves come out again though!
Marky, there was one 346 there with a very bad attitude. Narsty lil' barstid!
Those orange eggbeater 7900's are something else too; revs AND grunt!
I know Marky you want to know how your 346 cut,
1 class 0 - 50 cc pipe , we did 1 cookie cuts , twice
if you cut first on the first cookie ,you then cut last on your last cookie , so the taper of the tree doesnot mean as much so that is why the times are not the same for each guy, if you cut first by the time you cut again it was 1/4 of an inch bigger most times
we added the times together to get the winning time
0-50 pipe.
1- Ed 3.80/3.87 =7.67 Marky 346

2 Frank 4.31/ 3.64= 7.91 MS 260 ehp , that chain cut this hard wood real nice, and Frank gave her abit more fuel for the second cut.

3 Brain 7.50/ 7.36= 14.86 Brains own make but I think the saw was stock but it was a Ms 260 with his own pipe,

0-50 muffler
1 Ed- 5.68/5.21= 10.89 MM 346
2 Frank 6.74/5.89= 12.63 MS 260
3Russ 8.98/ 8.89= 17.87 346 pp
4 Brain 12.54/9.97= 22.51 MS 260
0-60 muffler
1 Ed 4.00/4.31 = 8.31 359 ehp a new saw just finished
2 Hunter 4.82/4.91= 9.72 ehp 357
3 Russ 5.81/5.87= 11.67 357 Greffied
0-80cc muffler
1 Ed 3.01/2.91= 5.92 7900 ehp Gypo's
2 Hunter 2.93/3.14 = 6.07 7900 ehp
3 Russ 3.79/3.38 = 7.17 Ms 460 ehp ,put a 8 pin on it for the second cut.
4 Frank3.79/3.56= 7.35 372 ehp ,
Russ ran a husky from one of his friends just to compare
4.22/ 4.78= 9.00
0-100cc muffler
1Ed 3.67/3.23 = 6.89 9010 ehp
2 Hunter 5.11/ 5.89= 11.00 stock 9010
3 Brain 6.16/6.01=12.17 stock 066
I ran the 088 in the same wood
2.41/2.37= 4.78
we ran other saw but they were not for the race like Russ's 361. Hunter's 621 Redmax, and then ran each other's saws
all the cuts were out of 2 logs out of the same tree, hard maple
But i forgot Gypo won everything and why wouldn't he.
He looked good but you could see he has lost more weight , really in his face. but was jumpimg around like a young buck in heat chasing does. Not sure if has ate sense being in the hospital cause I think he out ate me and that is not easy unless you are Hunter, all I can say is Jokers was impressed by this little boys plan of attack at the dinner table , take no prisoners
Well, Finally made it home. Only was around 9 1/2 hours

Had a great time and ran some great saws. Was nice meeting Jokers for the first time, He is a great guy and has a great son. Sorry I eat alot Russ, But thanks so much for dinner.
Crofters chains were tops. They sure did cut smooth and fast even in the Hard Maple. Frank and his son also made pipes for thier saws. I was really impressed, especially for their first pipes.
As for John, He cheated, the only reason he won was because he was taking the nitro spray from his doctor and shooting it into the breather of the saw. LOL. Was good to see john out, even thought he told me to cut the wrong tree. he even showed us his new truck.John said he is gonna nickname it BS Hotsaw Hauler.
A big thanks to Ed for the hospitality and a great time.
Russ, John and myself got to see part of ed's shop and where he does his majic.

was great getting together and running some saws. Alot of great AS members.

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Sounds like a good time was had by all. Sorry I missed the party.
Does anyone have any more pics to post here?
JOhn was our picture taker. He has all the shots on his camera.
He was sitting in his chariot staying warm and catching all the action with his new camera.

So that was how Gypo was showing us how to get more power out of your saw, but you cannot say he was cheating , I didnot make any rules on pressure sytems so he was legal this time but I am on to him now,

What I would of liked to see was Crofter's 260 with the pipe painted then run her , that could of been pretty funny to watch , what do you say Frank are you game but I want to watch from 50 ft away and see if the paint catchs fire then you can really call her a hotsaw
Hunter you were not the only one eating there that I seen when ever I lifted me head high enough off my plate to look around which was not very often, and I could of ate alot more but you know I have to try and keep my super model figure, well i know I got them beat in 2 out 3 measurements, my chest and butt are no 36 inch , maybe my right check, it was to bad that Frank and his 2 boys could of not stayed around and froze somemore with us but you know them smart ones , they know when to leave
ed ,,looks like u flat walked the walk u been talkin.. aint no substiitute for knowledge,ability an experience..
my compliments.
Not really Tony , I was just trying to have fun, one thing I did really notice was , everybody cut good and some really cut very good, Crofter is a smart man and picks up on stuff fast, he cut very well so did Jerod, this was the first time I have meet Russ but he cuts good and alot better than alot of people I have meet
I think Ehp puts it on a bit thick at times, but he is pretty encouraging and drops the odd morsel of his knowledge on us woodticks. If we looked like we might ever be serious contenders to him on the race circuit though he would probably fill us full of horsefeathers. Lol! I think Cahoon said somewhere that you have to pay to learn and that sure is true. I am only dabbling around with this so I can show off a bit to some unsuspecting newbie and hey! it works. If I was serious about competing I should have started 30 years ago. There is just so many little pieces of the puzzle to consider.
Frank I have meet you but not DB, are you sure you are not him, you can play this game as good as any of them, if not then sorry to DB.
"Caution" making race chain and building race saws can be hazardest to your health.
I've got to quibble with that statement.&nbsp; I can think of at least one or two things that are hazarder to your health than making saws or chain would be.&nbsp; Maybe something like trying to stand your ground in front of the intake on a throttled-up fighter jet, for instance (right, Butch?).

Glen that sounds like it could hurt. We have a little game here we call "This little piggy" Hope this helps.
In defense of EHP- I have competed against Ed for many years. I don't go to many shows now that he attends, but he has always given me advice and technical knowledge that was sound and that helped me become a faster race saw operator. From reading many threads and postings on this site since I joined a few months ago, he seems to be one of the few that does. Ask him a question, and he will give an answer to the best of his knowledge.
Thanks Ed, Enjoyed the day.

Boy I realy missed out on the cheerleaders in Gypo's back seat. I had thought it was just the meds the doctor gave him that made him smile like that, and I guess I also was thinking too much about saws and where the calculations went wrong for my 066 pipe. How the heck could the saw be slower with the pipe on?

The drive home helped some especialy after I stopped at the Madawaska river and threw the dang pipe in.

Time to order up another box of files, a copy of tuned pipes for dummys, and a spool of wire for the welder. Then muss the winter away, but I think welding project number 1 will be to make up a log stand and then work on cutting tequnique. It was impressive to watch ehp and the others; setup. followthrough, reading the cut and overall practice all seem much more importaint then I had though.
