Tailgate Party

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This is just going to be a fun get together. We will probably have classes and such, but its for fun.

I am easy to find, just get yourself a ontario road map,
the show will be in a small town called Eagle Lake, it is 8 miles north of Haliburton, look at the map you will see a place called
algonquin provincal park , Eagle Lake is just west of the botton south end of the park,

it is around 2.5 hours from Toronto airport and for you Russ I am 3 hours from the border , Gananoque so I am closer to you than Gypo's place,

so you guys coming up from the Toronto way , go up the 400 hwy. to hwy 11 this is just north of Barrie, go on hwy 11 up to the Bracebridge cut off, the hwy now will be 118, this is around 45 to 50 minutes from Barrie and when you are on hwy 11 , itwill be a speed limit of 90 km per hour, then it will turn to 100 km per hour ,once you hit the 100 km per hour it is about 6 to 7 miles to the 118 cut off, just before the cut off, you will go pas the Muskoka airport.

turn right onto 118 so you are going east, stay on 118 , you will hit a light at hwy 35 but go straight and keep on 118, this is about 40 miles across 118 to you hit hwy 35, now it will be another 8 to 10 miles on 118 , you will go past a golf couse on your right , and there will be a lake on your left, just past the golf course there will be a road on your left, yurn left then in 50 feet turn right, this is a country road, I will post the number tomorrow to make sure the right number , just put 911 numbers in here and that changed things, head for Sir Sam Ski Hills , the shop is in Eagle Lake on your right coming in to the town , once you turn on to the country road it is just over 4 miles to the shop, there is D8's and D7's , log trucks , exavators , lots of machiner in the yard
now for guys coming from the east of me , like Russ,
Russ when you hit hwy 401 go east until you hit the hwy 62 at Belleville, turn north on hwy 62, stay on 62 up to the town of Bancroft, you will hit a stop sign in Bancroft,turn left on to hwy 28, go along this hwy for about 10 minutes then you will see a road on your right , now it is either going to be called hwy 121 or 118 notsure if the change over has been done yet but when done it will be hwy 118 . now stay on this hwy, and head for the town of Haliburton, you will need to turn left at 1 stop sign and turn right a couple miles down the road after the stop sign,
when you get to Haliburton stay on 118 so go straight threw the stop lights and 3 miles outside of town there is a road on your right side called country road 14, 5 miles down this road is Eagle lake turn left at the flashing light , shop is 3/4 of a mile on the left side now plus there is the Eagle lake store at the corner of the flashing light, if lost just ask for Charlie Heards place , but it is the only big yard in Eagle Lake with alot of heavy machiney in it
I hope John is ok and maybe he can come and watch if well enough,

I will post the wood sizes tomorrow ok and classes, so if you can please let me know on who is coming so I makesure I have enough hardwood
Just want to follow up. We ARE going to have the get together at ed's place it is NOT cancelled.

Great Russ. Glad to hear it.

I dont think wade is going to make it up. He is really busy.

Cecil Starr is trying to come and I got a email from Paul Woodland so he may show up as well, he has a 14 hour drive, some local guys want to show up as well, I have not cut the trees yet but the wood sizes will be0-50 cc around 12 inch, 0-60 cc 13 inch, 0-80 cc 14 or 15 inch, 0-100cc 16 inch ,open I would like to see around 20 to 22 inch wood
so the classes are 0-50 cc
0-60 cc
0-100 cc
all saws must have a air filter and be running on just gas and oil, no nitro, alcohol, we will see how many pipe saws show up but I know there are 5 or 6 for sure coming and that number can grow
To the people that have PM'd me , yes it is this Saturday and yes it is going to happen, the town you need to find is Eagle Lake , I posted back in this thread how to get here , it is pretty easy to find, i posted the classes but bring any kind of saw you have we will make a class if we need to so we are fair to everybody
I have the wood cut , a saw that will cut 20 inch should get by in the bigger classes, I think I will make it a down cut ,time that cut then you do your up cut and time that , take the switch out of it to be more fair to guys that are not good at it, buts more on the saw instead of the operator
If any of you guys want to Bass fish bring your fishing gear, it is a small lake but has bass up to around 7 to 8 pounds in it but lots of 2 to 3 pounds fish
Best of luck

I would have liked to make it,but have had plans for weeks,with my kids,and grand babies.It would have been about a 8 or 9 hr drive.Here's wishing a safe trip for all,and a safe exibition.My regards to Cecil,he put on a gallent attempt at Lima,this summer,in the timbersports.Somebody take some pitures,putem on the site,send them to Gypo.:D
I would think around 10 or so to 11, if anyone is not sure they can make it by that time just call , no problem , 1-705-754-2515, or the other number at the bottom of my page.
the more the better , this is just to have some fun nothing more nothing less, and Crofter is going to teach us all how to file but I think it maybe better for him to bring some crying towels for us once he turns that 260 on pipe loose

Yes it would of been nice if Gypo could of been here taking videos , there most likely will not be any cause I donot know if anyone has a camera for it.

I hope Gypo gets back on his feet some and I also hope Cecil's brother comes threw as well ,Today he starts his treatments for brain cancer
What is the rain day plan? or are you in touch with the big guy and got insider info the weather will be nice.

The 026 does seem to talk into the pipe quite nicely. Seems to get a bigger gain than the 372 did, but the 372 probably could handle a 9 pin sprocket. First I've had my hands on a piped saw so I know diddly about what to expect, but you can't beat fun for a good time!
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Well last weekend they said it was going to Snow this weekend but now they say it is going to be warmer than that but a chance of showers but we will figure something out if it does rain , we can always open the door on the shop and cut in there with the saw dust going outside, I know one thing I hope this maple softens up some cause it is very hard, I guess tomorrow I will try and make some chains,

An 026 on alky and a pipe is a fun little machine. Mine is just collecting dust now. Gonna have to decide what to do with it. I am competing with 100cc and up saws, motorcycle saws included. Wish we had a 50cc class.
I can't stand the suspense, so I better drive up there and meet Jokers and get my stuff at the same time.
But I better not say it too loud or they all mite be hiding in the furrrest when I get there.
No biggy though, I'm armed with my nitroglycerine spray bottle.

Oh, if I were King of the Furrrest,
not Prince, not Earl, not Duke.

Had a good time at the tailgate party, I won all classes as usual.
Here's a shot of the Wright side. L-R, Ed Heard, Russ (Jokers), Crofter, Jarod and Crofters two sons.
Like I said, I won everything. Jokers supplied the first place prize which was a 24" GB Titanium 50 thou. Husky mount. Thanks Russ!
Here is a shot of me winning and getting some post cardiac therapy.
I was standing in a hole; makes Jokers and Hunter look a lot bigger than I am. Actually I threatened to bang their heads together!
It sprinkled rain all afternoon so the local woodticks had sense enough to stay inside. Many of the saws there were modified and running some version of square chain; it sure tells the tale against a stock saw with round chisel chain. Got to run some different saws and lots of discussion about matching chains and gearing to different saws and wood types etc. A little bit off on how you select or how you set your carburetor makes all the difference between crowing and crying at a real race!

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