Tauntline Hitch Appreciation Thread

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MB: I have used the th for 48 years also try all the new knots and toys. I still use th most of the time. old habits are hard to change.I use the swabish or distal with a pantin for footlocking. works good. hooks
jason j ladue said:
the tree i was in had a severe dog-leg and so i was afforded escape w/only a bruised ego and a sore neck/ i didnt smash into the spar. though in all fairness, i did not visit a healthcare pro after.

So you went for a swing, not a straight drop & stop, right?
no. straight drop pretty much. it happened so quickly, im not sure of the exact trajectory of the fall. had to have been practically straight up-and-down though. there wasnt much swing at the end though. nobody else saw it happen. i was left dangling far enough away from the tree i had to call for a swing back to the spar
YEAH! pi55ed me offf too. :angry: i got very lucky that day. i figure i kicked one of the angels outta the band on that one. lets put it this way- if i was a cat, i'd only have 8 lives left. ive always been blessed w/ great providence. i hope i never take it for granted. i dont know about God in the traditional sense, but i have felt more than once in my life, that some1 is looking out for me :angel: there must be something keeping me here for some reason. y'all be careful out there. dont take life, or anything else for granted. each day we're given is cause for worship and deep thanks. sorry, dont mean to get all sappy...
alanarbor said:
Believe it or not a sudden stop can actually bounce your brain off the inside of your skull, causing severe injuries, even if theres no joint or muscle injuries associated. it's common in car accidents also.

Given the injury decribed, approximately half of the professional climbers in the world appear to be at a 0% risk level. :p
a i'm with you Jason - blakes are the way to go, never had one bind up so tight that i cant get it to shift - dont trust gizmos - if its mechanical no matter how simple, it can fail.
Add chainsaws, cars and airplanes to the list :)

Arbos are one of the last enclaves of rope on rope climbers in all of the working rope world. The mechanical tools have a great track record of dependability and performance.
yeh but i'm not relying on a mechanical device to stop me from plumeting to my doom - - picky B@st@rd - and yes my ropes can fail so can my biners - i'v only had my own climbing gear for about 3 weeks - bought it all new and i still check everything before i climb - like to think i'm getting myself into the habbit - i trust the knotts i tie coz i know how to tie them properly - idont trust things with bearings and wheel and stuff - especially the work truks!!!
well i suppose you could be right T. Dunlap. i cant really imagine anything nsafe being allowed to be sold as climbing gear with in the industry ... never used them though .. probably will one day and will probably love em but at the mo my hooves are stuck in
You've been climbing for three weeks and you don't trust gear?

Free your mind!

I've been climbing for thirty years and I'm constantly checking my gear. Even when I climb with just a saddle and rope.

I hope that you can some day learn about all of the possibilities available. Most of them will extend your healthy climbing career.
no i'v been climbing since september last year - i do trust my gear - a million times more than i trusted the gear that we use at college and its noticable in my climbing - no target has been set that i cant reach i can set targetets were otheres can't and i may sound like i'm boastin but i'm proud of how my skills have improoved - and like you say you'v been climbing for 30 years and you check your gear all the time - i'v havn't even been climbing for a year and i check all my gear all the time- i mean whose to say that despite rigourus testing that one of my biners is a bit of a duff or its a collage biner and had been abused by some idiot or its clagged up with dirt - i preffered to find that out before my safety is depending onit- also i want to see how my ropes wear in so i get a feel for what is just normal wear and tare as well as checking for glazing and stuff - i can already see on my split tail where the rope is slightly flatter because this is where i tie my hitch. i know there is a lot out there and a lot of stuff is labour saving - but i dont want to become relient on them, i want to know that i can climb with out them - which i can!! - i can even make a harness using rope (very uncomfortable) and make a loop for tieing a prusik or khliemhiest (please disregard spellings) i think that to become the best climber i can i need to know the basics before getting into all the technical gizmo side of things - i do intend to try them out - particullary using a micro pulley as a slack tender when branch walking but i have no one to really show me these things - my boss and tutour are old skool - using prusik loops and have no desire to change - i'm going to a weekend put on by the ISA in england which is an introduction to tree climbing competitions with the sole purpose of picking up information and learning more things.
MB its 12:40am here 'i'm on my sixth beer - and i mean proper beer none of your weak a$$ american pi$$ my mind aint up to much - i aint gonna go and buy sh!t taht i havn't been shown how to use or had a go on before hand - even if it is simple to use - there's always a knack to stuff