If I had a nickel for every time I heard that...wonderful posts guys & good opinions!! I can pass the test I just dont care to take it(seems very unionlike & political) sorry!!!
This is whack. ISA grew out of the Shade Tree org, and NAA/TCIA has been around a long while. ISA has always had a healthy influence from university researchers, NAA much less so. You are lumping orgs together without much knowledge about them.MY theory: college professors in horticulture & tree biology, etc... ran out of students(look at the curiculums& how it has changed) so ole PHD Phil & other colleagues start lobbying for justice, create wonderful money grubbin organizations to get back their dignity Wahla ISA/TCIA.
I got this from the article--show companies the way to rise above the underthetable underinsured underinformed companies(no I'm not judging any postes here, just a generalization that cities will understandably make. If you have the insurance and the knowhow you can document it without being accredited), spending more on training their staff and keeping them safe. fwiw you still have the right to free enterprise. the small guy can attain certs, and the small compaies can document their safety and training to compete on a level field with the bigs.what I got from that article was; get rid of the small guy by way of creating certs & other such, he wont be able to keep up with it all, take his american right(whether you like it or not) to free enterprise through regulation!! PLAIN WRONG! MY RIGHTS outway any BS. lobbyin organization!! Sorry.
Re public education, the ISA just spent money to redo this excellent resource http://www.treesaregood.org/ which is why I put it into my sig here. They also spent a lot on a member survey to 20,000 members, and 19,000+ did not bother to return it, then wonder why they are underrepresented . Aside from getting on tv more, what do you suggest they do?
TreeCo Dan if you are not getting enough out of your CA you are not putting enough into it. I just did a 3-hour tour/consult of a gorgeous estate whose owner ok'd 6 crew/days of work this summer and will be a lifelong client. Very pleasant and lucrative work. They found me on the ISA site, which is where they went to find someone qualified (not asca or anywhere else).
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