The only time the ISA or even our local chapter has any concern at all for public education is when it is paid for by its local members. Case in point...
I recently ran a booth at two buisness expos, and home and garden shows. I called the ISA, (of which I am a recent member) and the MSA, (which I recently joined) asking them to send literature, or possibly even represent them somehow. I recently became certified and joined these organizations because I believe in trying to better this industry, (which I have participated in for 30 years, and have enjoyed the benefits of).
I was given over to sales which offered to sell me brochures, and posters, and coloring books. So I found out the ISA will definitely put their money where their mouth is...AS LONG AS IT COMES FROM MY POCKET
I recently became a certified arborist (left uncapitalized by intention)
Did it make me a better tree
Did it make me more knowledgable.....only in aspects of tree care I will never use
Did it bring me more business....Actually I think the clientelle here see the ca behind my name and imediately think I am too high priced...I get less calls instead of more.
Did it "inspire" me to do more spikeless climbing...not really I have been leaning towards that area for years, and have found many ways to ascend a tree without spikes in trimming situations
Do I suddenly think spikes are the greatest evil in the world...definitely not
Do I see any benefits from my ca or my membership to ISA, or MSA (the local chapter) yes...I got invited to a picnic...(after of course I spend 400.00 on a seminar), and I got invited to Hawaii, ..(During my busiest season, and of course after I pay my own way there and back and hotel rooms).
and I get a magazine every month...which tells me how great the IsA is and the wonderful things they are doing....along with several good articles,
For me personally so far (I repeat...SO FAR) the ISA cert. has been a total waste of my time, and funds, and the memberships have been a joke.