046 said:
small wonder simonizer left after everyone ganged up on him... not good!
Who ganged up on Simon? Was it trimmed in this post?
trimmed said:
Hey Simon, are you a sponsor? If not please keep your sales pitches to yourself or anti-up and support the site you're selling at.
This is the second incident. Consider this your first warning. Read up on the three strike rule, eh?
Was trimmed wrong as a moderator to say anything to someone who has stepped outside the rules? Is trimmed wrong as a moderator to protect the business interests of the sponsors who pay which
allow us to play for free?
....or was I the guy who ganged up on Simon by posting this?
jokers said:
Don`t be too harsh with trimmed on this issue. He is a very levelheaded moderator in my opinion, just giving the sponsors some of the service they are paying for here.
I like Simon and would like to see him stay, but he is in the same boat as any of the rest of us here, no mention of related business without paying the sponsorship fee, unless Darin approves it. This is no different than preventing one of your competitors from putting a sign with their business name in your OPE shop, is it?
Was Simon`s response to trimmed`s first
open statement regarding his actions appropriate?
simonizer said:
No I am not a sponsor, I offered someone a personal deal. If you want to be a dick then ban me,.....
and maybe just a wee bit melodramatic
simonizer said:
Actually, I feel insulted. Goodbye ArboristSite. Simon.
Don`t forget that this warning to Simon in the 372 thread was the
second time trimmed had to speak to Simon about the same issue, but as trimmed stated, would be considered the
first strike. It looks to me like trimmed gave Simon a freebie.
I do not know Simon personally but have been aware of his existence and ability for a long time before he came here. I do consider him credible to the extent that I "know" him. I think that we can reasonably consider Simon a valuable resource, but I don`t think that the uproar is simply about his departure. I think that it`s more related to this statement,
simonizer said:
I offered someone a personal deal
and people`s desire for a deal. If I am not 100% correct in this assumption please explain why this statement from Stihltech relative to Simons arrival and actions did not elicit any public outcry?
Stihltech said:
see ya
I can see my services are no longer neede here. Been fun
Stihltech has irrefutably offered volumes of technically correct and insightful information to anyone in need, regardless of saw brand, without ever talking down or giving attitude to anyone with the possible exception of me(which I sought and deserved, I might add
Why aren`t you guys who are lamenting Simon`s departure also lamenting Stihltech`s apparent departure as well? Because you are operating on personal emotion based on your feelings of a lost potential deal. Is that any different than the way that you would expect a paying sponsor to feel with the exception that in his case he might see the scenario as a revenue dollar lost vs you guys who are worried about paying someone else more. The bottom line is the same with one more exception, The sponsors have already made a cash outlay vs those of you hoping to minimize your`s when you do make one.
I`d like to see where anyone got body slammed or reamed as this statement alledges.
BlueRidgeMark said:
Rules should be followed, but then, a newbie shouldn't be body slammed the first couple of times he wanders across the line. It's not like he was brazenly promoting his own commercial interests. He made a couple of helpful offers, and he got a public reaming. Not right.
Check out this thread
Simonized vs Walkerized and tell me again that this statement is true.
BlueRidgeMark said:
It's not like he was brazenly promoting his own commercial interests.
OK boys, put on some bigger panties(`cause some of your`s are obviously too tight) and tell me where I`m wrong.