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now what about stihltech?

was not aware of all the other threads going on.. saw stihltech's two line post he was done and was leaving.

thought it was a joke like most of the posts next to it. Sure hope stihltech comes back. Sure enjoy readying his posts...
I hope that Simon decides to stick around, and play by the rules. I recall? a post about a month? ago where someone referred to Simon as a well-known saw builder; I'll need search that. I also hope that none of the present AS mechtech members are put off by his presence.

Is it my imagination, or has the input from at least two of the AS mechtech members dropped off considerably over the past few months? I don't mention this as a criticism; it's just something that I began to notice a few months back.
Simon, can this be answered here ?

mikeshaw said:
Hi Simon,
Trying to rebuild the tank housing but uncertain about weldering.
Would appreciate if you can give some comments.
No big machines like ultrasonic ones.
mike :Eye:

no idea if i could get any comments, tried many ways but leakage is really a problem. :alien:
Simonizer said:
Actually Dan, I normally send the saw and trust the person to pay me after a week of use. I will not be sending saws to anyone on this board as this is clearly a severe breach of protocol. Cheers.

Simon, I'm a newbie here, so maybe I don't have anything to say...

But I'll say it anyway.

You were treated badly - RUDELY - by posters and admins alike. You stepped over the line a bit. It didn't look to me like an egregious flaunting of the rules, it looked like someone who didn't understand that the rules on this particular forum are unusually strict. And instead of recognizing that, and sending a private PM explaining that, you got a public whipping the first time out. That was wrong, and I understand you not liking that.

But that said, I think you are in need of a bit of an attitude adjustment yourself. In short, I think you are a bit too ready to take offense, and a bit on a high horse about your abilities. You may be the greatest thing since sliced white bread, but nobody likes to hear someone blow their own horn. At least lower the volume a bit! Modesty is a wonderful thing, Simon. Look into it.

You could do a lot of good if you'd just calm down and accept the fact that you DID step a tad bit over the line, albeit inadvertently, and get over the fact that it was handled badly.

I hope you stick around.

Even though this horse is still twitching, I think it's time to pull the plug and let him have some silence, in his last moments. And with that thought, this thread is closed.
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