Thats way too much money...........said the Homeowner

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thin kerf

I think those thin-looking cuts in this guy's "notch" are where the tree leaned a bit and closed up the kerf.
I think those thin-looking cuts in this guy's "notch" are where the tree leaned a bit and closed up the kerf.

I was thinking that the kerf looks thin, but keep in mind that the tree was 4' at the base. With the cell phone pic the tree probably looks smaller.
as a do it youselfer myself I'm all for people trying to do things on their own...this however shows that some people should hire out for everything. it seems like someone would have to work incredibly hard to make a "notch" that bad. its unbelievable.
Boston...I'm a homeowner and can handle a chainsaw pretty fair, little offended by that comment. It isn't a professional tree guy that has cut my firewood the past 3 yrs. About 10 cord a year.

Then your not a "typical" homowner are you? My statement was geared towards typical homeowners like the genius that did the handiwork on Post #1!
After I submitted it Hubby said I am insulting beavers. Sorry, they do do a better job.
Luckily he didn't hurt anyone.


I don't think so!
I'm a home owner and own many chainsaws, should I get rid of them?

I would have helped they guy out but not taken advantage of his ignorance so maybe the next time he called for a quote he would give me the complete job and not try it himself. I guess thats just how I am and I'll never be a millionaire doing tree work.

wait, I need to change that, I want to be rich, I would have charged his ass the same "training" amount and probably more.
Why are whiny homeowners in the COMMERCIAL forum anyways? Go back to homeowner helper and 101.
who you talking about?????????

The HAPPY HOMEOWNERS that came into this thread and became "offended" By people who know what the hell they are doing. Thats who.


We do this everyday, it is who we are (Commercial Tree Workers). In addition We are the people who get called when know-it-all pencil jockeys who get home, take off their tie, and pick up a chainsaw and screw up.

Oh yeah I have heard it before. "I used to cut trees", "I was a logger fifty years ago", "I climbed telephone poles for Bell Atlantic in the '70's".

Whatever, All those people act like it is so easy but they are still calling me.

If that is not you, If you have more sense than to make a cut like that guy did, And you know when something is going to be over your head,

Don't Be Offended
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Man that tree is f-ed up, wow!:dizzy: :dizzy: I have never seen such a bad cut(s):dizzy: :dizzy: . It looks like his chain was very dull and he tried to break out the sawzall. I will only take down a tree like that when the backhoe is pushing it the right way. I have turned down a few trees and told the owner to call a insured pro.
a few months ago it was slow.

did a job for my partners friend for an extremely resonable rate.took down a couple of medium size trees and a small one plus a large limb off another for $500,no biggie.

he tells the guy across the street who likes to spend all his money on his race car what we charged so he calls about a limb leaning towards the house.i go bid it for $700 and he gets all flustered thinking he was gonna get it really cheap based on the price his neighbor got.tells me that is way too much so i say have a nice day and shake his hand and leave.

one day shy of a week later the limb fell on his mother in laws lincoln and totalled it.i wonder how much the deductable was?
glad no one was hurt but it made me laugh yet again.
Treeman I'll gladly leave...sorry for visiting YOUR commercial part of the site. What was I thinking trying to learn from the PRO's. I'll gladly take my whinning elsewhere.
Yes I do know when to call the Pro's not so much b/c of some great abilities they may or may not have...but they usually have the equipment needed to take down tough tree's/limb's etc...and I well understand that the specialized equipment does not come cheap, so I happily pay when I get a tree I can't deal with myself.
Be safe all, I'll go back to the non-professional forums!
Wowsers! :bowdown:

Nothing like a stubborn homeowner freaking on the price, and then getting in WAY over the heads before gasping for help...
I cant believe that people are getting offended!!!!!!!!!!!

90% of the people on this site are "Homeowners".

If you got offended by my statements, you have bigger problems or your just looking for a fight. Or your an Ultra Liberal and think noone should be picked on! Get over it I made the comments about a knucklehead who NEVER should touch a saw in his life. Like most AVERAGE homeowners, they should never touch a saw. If you are a homeowner, own a chainsaw, and are on this site LEARNING than your not the AVERAGE homeowner,.....are you?

Don't take offense to comments NOT geared toward you! :cry:
I cant believe that people are getting offended!!!!!!!!!!!

90% of the people on this site are "Homeowners".

If you got offended by my statements, you have bigger problems or your just looking for a fight. Or your an Ultra Liberal and think noone should be picked on! Get over it I made the comments about a knucklehead who NEVER should touch a saw in his life. Like most AVERAGE homeowners, they should never touch a saw. If you are a homeowner, own a chainsaw, and are on this site LEARNING than your not the AVERAGE homeowner,.....are you?

Don't take offense to comments NOT geared toward you! :cry:
Right on!

If you got offended, t'was your choice to own the offense.
Holey Moley!!!!! :clap: :clap: nice work guy!

If this ain't inspiration for a "Worst Undercut in the World" thread bar none...............silly bugger, probably lucky to have a leg left, sheesh!

(I'd prbly have saved the section with his masterful art-work, and when he asked me why I was taking, for the Museum of Future Darwinians, dunno, or an art show of 'modern primatives', (hey it does look like a wee skull in ther eh ;) )gah, dunno, crazy man)

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Exactly!!!

Ya, know how you drive by the odd police station sometimes and they got that wrecked car stacked up on the lot to demonstrate the results cause by drunk drivers. There ya go Boston, hope you have that notched beauty propped up in front of your shop. The Boston Bull monument to the 'modern primatives', (ouch my sides are splitting) dunno art show. Yow----weeeee!!!