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thats good stuff David .... now it's good to see you know a good 477 meg antenna (if there's any such thing
) when you see one
now if that is a diesel it will one day crack and then break off at the top of the top phase coil when and if it does don't try and weld it
as it will just break again .
so what you do is cut it at the bottom of the same coil and what you end up with is an antenna that is 7dbi and the difference is not
even 1/2 an s point .
in origanal form they are 3x 5/8 element vertical at 9 dbi and after the mod they are 2x 5/8 element at 7dbi and a lot stronger .
now on another note i sharpened my 1st two chains today filled up and ran the saws for the first time this year and yep it feels
good to know i still can ....
cheers D

now if that is a diesel it will one day crack and then break off at the top of the top phase coil when and if it does don't try and weld it
as it will just break again .
so what you do is cut it at the bottom of the same coil and what you end up with is an antenna that is 7dbi and the difference is not
even 1/2 an s point .
in origanal form they are 3x 5/8 element vertical at 9 dbi and after the mod they are 2x 5/8 element at 7dbi and a lot stronger .
now on another note i sharpened my 1st two chains today filled up and ran the saws for the first time this year and yep it feels
good to know i still can ....

cheers D