As usual, the greatest affect from tightening firearm laws is on the honest owner who never does the wrong thing, goes about his business quietly and enjoys his hunting, target shooting, vermin control or on farm to destroy stock if required.
This "legal" owner of good repute is put through the hoops and spends a lot of money remaining legal while the poor enforcement of existing laws does SFA to weed out the scumbags who bring US ALL down to a media fueled reputation just slightly above pedophiles.
Eg, after a couple of complete idiots, out of hundreds of thousands of law abiding f/arm owners, carried out some deplorable crimes blokes like my old dad (then in his late 60's) had his Bentley Pointer semi-auto taken from him adding to an exercise that cost multi millions out of Consolidated Revenue, a man who might have had one traffic ticket in his entire life !
What did that achieve.....NOTHING !
Meanwhile the crims in the big Cities carry as often as they like and the prevalence of crim on crim murder rolls on. Now that may not be a bad thing as it thins them out but the chances of Mr/Mrs innocent getting involved is far to high.
What do the Politicians do to appease the raucous anti gun pressure groups, they bring in more legislation that once gain affects Mr Legal and has no affect on the crims.
Of course, if appeases the Greenies/anti gun folks and it makes the problem go away for the Pollies.
Better lighten up, go outside and look at the Aurora again.................must be rant day lol....