the all aussie dribble thread!

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The issue I have with gun ownership is probably one shared by many in this country.....the problem I have is that it is sometimes too easy for someone to get their hands on one that shouldn't be able too....

The argument that I have used is clearly flawed, that is the more guns in society the bigger the problem.....Switzerland flies in the face of that argument... so the argument would seem to be one of socio economic disparity and the availability of guns in that well as the wrong people (mentally unstable, extremists, etc.) having access to a gun.

The current laws we have seem to work okay here, I don't know much about them, but they could be better. I am not for a total ban at all...

I do have guns in my house but I really wouldn't care one way or the other if the laws were changed and they were taken from me....I don't need them. But I also know others do.
The issue I have with gun ownership is probably one shared by many in this country.....the problem I have is that it is sometimes too easy for someone to get their hands on one that shouldn't be able too....

The argument that I have used is clearly flawed, that is the more guns in society the bigger the problem.....Switzerland flies in the face of that argument... so the argument would seem to be one of socio economic disparity and the availability of guns in that well as the wrong people (mentally unstable, extremists, etc.) having access to a gun.

The current laws we have seem to work okay here, I don't know much about them, but they could be better. I am not for a total ban at all...

I do have guns in my house but I really wouldn't care one way or the other if the laws were changed and they were taken from me....I don't need them. But I also know others do.
it took me over 6 months from start to having a gun in my safe the only thing that i didint have to do was a pysch test if they put that in id do it just to keep the bunnys and cats at bay.
id like to have them but i dont have the time for club meets may be when i get less bizy in life but kids are yet to come so i dont recon it will be for a long time.
Same here. I've thought of it but no way I'd have the time or money at the moment. I reckon the novelty would wear off for me too, not being able to hunt with them.
I completely agree with you Matt...but I am offended that you would think I have been listening to the Greens too much....

Switzerland does have the highest firearm ownership but doesn't have the problems on the scale many other countries do...the reasons are complex 9bviously

Sorry if that offended you mate but what you said was exactly the same as the Greens were saying until a recent senate enquiry proved them wrong. The Greens then decided to say that the federal government was siding with gun owners and the "powerful gun lobby". To think that any government in Australia's recent history has sided with gun owners and that Australia even remotely has a "powerful gun lobby" is completely wrong.
Basically the Greens went into it with their "facts" on illegal firearms and quite frankly got their arse handed to them by the facts.
Hence I thought you were simply repeating what you'd seen from the Greens as honestly it was nearly word for word :) Apologies.
id like to have them but i dont have the time for club meets may be when i get less bizy in life but kids are yet to come so i dont recon it will be for a long time.

Yeah thats what i was thinking as well wife and i went along to pistol club few years back check over got the paper work tho set up costs club and gubberment fees about grand each with basic .22 entry hand gun and then commitment to i think 10 shoots per year and some club support servitude be nice but a few year off yet
The last thing we need is gun owners supporting the rubbish regulations we have, geez.... We've had lever action shotguns for years and nothing bad has happened from it. The ******s trying to stir the nest are a disgrace.
I dunno about where you are but its only 4 shoots a year here per gun not a real big deal till you have a few

6 registered shoots a year here. I heard from a range officer though that some guys will come to the pistol range, shoot air pistol, .22LR, and centrefire. That qualifies as 3 shoots. They then come back the next day and do the same thing. Therefore they've filled the 6 registered shoots per year requirements. Then you don't see them again for the next 363 days.
Could be 6 here too I'm not all over the legal side of it yet. I know our club only reports non attendance and give you a fair reminder to get your shoots in. But the ssaa pistol side of it works differently we shoot on the ssaa range but the club is not an ssaa club.
As usual, the greatest affect from tightening firearm laws is on the honest owner who never does the wrong thing, goes about his business quietly and enjoys his hunting, target shooting, vermin control or on farm to destroy stock if required.

This "legal" owner of good repute is put through the hoops and spends a lot of money remaining legal while the poor enforcement of existing laws does SFA to weed out the scumbags who bring US ALL down to a media fueled reputation just slightly above pedophiles.

Eg, after a couple of complete idiots, out of hundreds of thousands of law abiding f/arm owners, carried out some deplorable crimes blokes like my old dad (then in his late 60's) had his Bentley Pointer semi-auto taken from him adding to an exercise that cost multi millions out of Consolidated Revenue, a man who might have had one traffic ticket in his entire life !

What did that achieve.....NOTHING !

Meanwhile the crims in the big Cities carry as often as they like and the prevalence of crim on crim murder rolls on. Now that may not be a bad thing as it thins them out but the chances of Mr/Mrs innocent getting involved is far to high.

What do the Politicians do to appease the raucous anti gun pressure groups, they bring in more legislation that once gain affects Mr Legal and has no affect on the crims.

Of course, if appeases the Greenies/anti gun folks and it makes the problem go away for the Pollies.

Better lighten up, go outside and look at the Aurora again.................must be rant day lol....
Sorry if that offended you mate but what you said was exactly the same as the Greens were saying until a recent senate enquiry proved them wrong. The Greens then decided to say that the federal government was siding with gun owners and the "powerful gun lobby". To think that any government in Australia's recent history has sided with gun owners and that Australia even remotely has a "powerful gun lobby" is completely wrong.
Basically the Greens went into it with their "facts" on illegal firearms and quite frankly got their arse handed to them by the facts.
Hence I thought you were simply repeating what you'd seen from the Greens as honestly it was nearly word for word :) Apologies.

No need for an apology mate.

I haven't heard one word of this debate from anyone nor have I read the Senate report, I didn't even know one existed.

My comments were my own logic, which I knew was somewhat flawed because of the Swiss circumstances which I did point out but cannot explain in simple terms here.....

Unfortunately, as happens, this is a political issue and what tends to happen with these issues is one minor party does a secret deal with another re preferences and if that party forms a government the minor party wins its concessions by stealth, regardless of the facts. This happens often.
MCW think you SA mob finally got some rains back a few days hows the soil moisture and crops sprouting 6oclock news said a few word but no details

I actually felt need to water some trees to keep earth moist even deep into June as been cold damp melb metro but not really deep rains my patch
As usual, the greatest affect from tightening firearm laws is on the honest owner who never does the wrong thing, goes about his business quietly and enjoys his hunting, target shooting, vermin control or on farm to destroy stock if required.

This "legal" owner of good repute is put through the hoops and spends a lot of money remaining legal while the poor enforcement of existing laws does SFA to weed out the scumbags who bring US ALL down to a media fueled reputation just slightly above pedophiles.

Eg, after a couple of complete idiots, out of hundreds of thousands of law abiding f/arm owners, carried out some deplorable crimes blokes like my old dad (then in his late 60's) had his Bentley Pointer semi-auto taken from him adding to an exercise that cost multi millions out of Consolidated Revenue, a man who might have had one traffic ticket in his entire life !

What did that achieve.....NOTHING !

Meanwhile the crims in the big Cities carry as often as they like and the prevalence of crim on crim murder rolls on. Now that may not be a bad thing as it thins them out but the chances of Mr/Mrs innocent getting involved is far to high.

What do the Politicians do to appease the raucous anti gun pressure groups, they bring in more legislation that once gain affects Mr Legal and has no affect on the crims.

Of course, if appeases the Greenies/anti gun folks and it makes the problem go away for the Pollies.

Better lighten up, go outside and look at the Aurora again.................must be rant day lol....
spot on mate.

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