the all aussie dribble thread!

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Thanks Neil, I'll do that
It looked like it had been soldered directly 3 times before, now it won't reach, the earth screw is on the bench as well. Just had it out to clean it up

Just add a little wire then, you should look at the rest of the wire inside the side cover, it may well be in need of replacement, in that case just add crimps on a new wire either end and follow where the wire sits now, you don't want too much excess wire tho, just enough is good.
dropped a solid bit of pine today while i touched up the blunt 66, my work mate did the cutting & i wos curious - impressed with his tricky upside down scaff technique till he told me was a stuff up the back cut dropped below the scaff line on the far side meh it worked alls good


its now sitting across a track in bush park to deter them pesky 4x4 drivers less they got a saw & 4 foot bar
IMGP7155 %28Large%29.JPG
picked up my new 576XPAT yesterday on the way to the Henty Field Days. A pretty good saw considering I'm 14 I reckon

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Hi Guys
would any one have a pic of how the coil sits on the Mobilco big 10 AH81 engine, i took pics of every thing apart from the coil before i took it off the saw
Im tying to get it right to set the timing
Thanks in Advance
Update, got it all sorted now went to my local shop and did points and timing with a dial guage
Great spark now
Just waiting now on the carby kit to arrive
Is there a sleeve or some thing that can go over a coil lead to protect the lead from rubbing on any thing, if please let me know
Seriously **** whippersnippers, I'll do whatever any idiot will pay me to do, but this has knobs on it.
Yesterday was felling acc longifolia, why can't I just use a chainsaw everyday?View attachment 449400

dont you dare put that top in house clothes wash
And in what comes as no surprise at all, the plastic worm wheel is not in stock. Fkn hopeless, Christ knows when it'll arrive....

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