Mill 'em, nails be damned.
Which one of yous fellas is this?
That sounds like a great plan, you enjoyArgh..... Kicking back now,on holidays for the next week.
Enjoying a beer now, contemplating my 1st job in the shed tomorrow.
Taking the little fella bush for a day or 2,do some cutting, shooting (father/son) time.View attachment 449453
why does that not surprise meAnd in what comes as no surprise at all, the plastic worm wheel is not in stock. Fkn hopeless, Christ knows when it'll arrive....
who you calling a fruit?
Thank you, Captain Obvious.if my name was sharon......! i had a look at though, its sawmill waste & the lengths you see are what you get.
I was calling kiwi (fruit) 2 have a beerwho you calling a fruit?
that timber is from an old bushmill in subtropical NSW, now if it was down the south or up on the tablelands it wouldn't be laying around for too long even though you don't normally get the bulk of it with any size, it would make good kindling which brings a better price.Thank you, Captain Obvious.
Perhaps there's an easy firewood business rolling around the mills processing their 'slab wood' into firewood as a service, or just buying it outright with regular collections and selling the firewood to end users. The hard work of harvesting, transporting and milling is done and bugger-all waste. Just launch into it and get'er done.
But then why don't they just do this themselves? No time or motivation (or more sense) to be messing with firewood?
Which one of yous fellas is this?
Looks more like a fuel pump than a carby to me.Anyone know where I can get an adjusting tool for this style carb?
is it a knock off or not ? never used itThis may interest some.
The Carlton chain getting around at the momment has changed slightly,the box the 100 foot roll comes in is differant and the made in USA is gorne.
The one on the right is the new stuff and if you look close the top of the drive link is a differant shape and rivets are black.
View attachment 449455 View attachment 449456
Quick question
Stihl 07 chainsaw in immaculate condition, 1 owner , what is a good price to pay please
i went & had a look at the swingsaw & bench when it was for sale, i didn't see any slabs laying around which are normally the bulk of the sleeper waste, it is mainly blackbutt country so maybe the tallowood & white mahogany was cut out first long ago, the mill equipment was flogged out & only really worth scrap value. apparently she got 7 grand for it which would have doubled by the time it was operational again & the swingsaw was beyond fixing, i looked at a 36" breast bench a couple of weeks beforehand with a 50hp electric motor, double sided metric trewella gauge, rails & trolleys in working condition that went for $1000, so it was way over priced.I know the road and place well, not sure whose land it is but, there is some PP along the edge of the forest there. There used to be a small portable bench and swing saw working there years ago cutting sleepers and Junk for state rail, perhaps its the place, if so the edges would all be royal species hard wood and great firewood.
Good luck to who ever is having a go selling it.