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was he serious or just sh*t stiring,,,, I wonder if he is dopey enough to put it on and try and cut something with it....
Dunno for sure, but one way to find out is to double bluff the ignorance card and see what comes of it.

Seen those pics before, big salvage logs, I won't mention the 1st one as you put it there to show a larger log fell low to get all possible recovery. Nice pics mate.
Kaine, same on the north coast, but not many Lucas boys still working full time as its a hard living.
Usually they like to come in and take the log components and leave the rest, probably because they can still get logs up here a bit easier.
A lot of Lucas machines up this way tho, most sitting in sheds that work a few hours a year.
They are great little toys that every farm should own, their uses are endless in the right hands.
still a few here working full time flat out all over the state, go away for weeks on end ...good money in it too, get about 700 a day just milling logs for someone, or they fell for free and mill the log ,take the slabs with them
Is there much of a market for slabs? Can understand it for the reds but not the ash's. I'm struggling to find a profitable product to turn some rather good E.fastigata into, and as bad as it sounds, firewood is probably going to be the most profitable use for it, even if some of the trees are 1.3+m DBH. Not durable enough, lumber is too light a colour to get people excited as lumber, nobody seems to want it as sleepers, and one guy wants stems as landscaping poles, but none of it pays more than firewood.
Slabbing timber is hard to find now days.

I just did cut 3 fence posts out of stringy yesterday, freehand with the 029..ended up with an 8 inch square, a 6 inch one and one just under....couldn't debark's hard work and slow going just ripping it like that
Speaking of which, my new-to-me 170 arrived a few days ago. It's hardly seen any action. The spur sprocket had the slightest bruising that suggested it had run some chain, and the chain cutters were still full length (but rounded over like they had kissed a rock or gotten jiggy with some fencing wire).

I have a new carb' coming for it and once I figure out how to get the oil output it needs and buy a new spacer for the bar, I'll be making table tops faster than a really fast thing.
Speaking of which, my new-to-me 170 arrived a few days ago. It's hardly seen any action. The spur sprocket had the slightest bruising that suggested it had run some chain, and the chain cutters were still full length (but rounded over like they had kissed a rock or gotten jiggy with some fencing wire).

I have a new carb' coming for it and once I figure out how to get the oil output it needs and buy a new spacer for the bar, I'll be making table tops faster than a really fast thing.
View attachment 455892

Will it run that bar and chain if you tighten the chain just a tad more?
Yeah that's a bit outrageous, but then again if you sold one of them blocks for 50 bucks you'd be way ahead on cutting 10 blocks for a load of firewood any getting the measly firewood price for a lot more effort
Anyone need some throwline/spearfishing line? Just bought a roll of 12-strand dyneema 2.5mm line but don't need so much. Supposed to be over 600kgs breaking strain, which seems ridiculous for such thin/light line.
I only need it to be about 100kgs as a haul-back line for my winch and chokers, and will also grab some as a throwline, but out of curiosity I might get it tested too.


Was going to build a big-shot type of launcher but might just leave it on one of those Alvey type handline reels and hurl a weight into trees. My aim is improving and my range will too as this is way lighter than the 7mm rope I have been using as a throwline.
Nice work! looks factory..
Anyone here repair stripped out spark plug holes? well not fully stripped out plug vibrates loose in say half a tank . I have a strong running (tinkered with by me) old 066 cylinder in need of repair, runs really well too good to throw in the scrap pile I've not run the saw in a few years now kind of miss the old girl :chainsaw:...
Keysert are better than hellicoils for sparkplugs in my opinion. You can google or you tube them.

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Anyone have experience with earth screws/earth anchors? The sort used for holding guy lines on power poles and towers, etc? Am keen to learn more about how to set and remove them and roughly what they can hold and what sorts of soils are best. Just trying to work out if I can use half a dozen of them to guy a small winch tower that I need to move and reset often, often in areas where there are no suitable anchor trees.