the all aussie dribble thread!

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He bought a brand new unit, took some "after" photos, then smashed it with a hammer a few times, rubbed dirt all over then took some "before" photos.....viola...magic.

On a serious note, great job Vince...well done.
Naa it's the glass bead blasting that sets it off and gives it that " brand new" luster.
Pretty sure RM barrel/head of the same years fit the RMX Wakes em up so they say.. I don't know part numbers off the top me head, knowing you is probably what we are looking at RM top end? :rock:...

It's mainly the head gasket that are different on the early blue frame rmx 90 91 92, there basically the same bike as the 89-92 rm, the rm used a thinner steel ringed synthetic gasket , the rmx used a multi 3 layer steel gasket giving slightly less compression being its thicker but more durable/reusable , rmx got a wider ratio box for enduro trail, heavier flywheel to keep it from stalling down low when just idling up a trail, more restricted stock muff on the rmx to quieten it down for a Bush bike, very tweakable and alike the 89-92
This is a first for me:

Sister's partner dropped off a few chains for me to sharpen. Every LH cutter is busted off this loop, while the RH cutters were fine. So, I sharpened the RH cutters and will give it back to him. If he doesn't like my sharpening, he can take his chains to the local store instead next time. :D
Thanks Vince. Just drilled two holes in a bar and one in a bar nose with those cobalt drill bits. Would not have believed they could work so well if I hadn't just experienced it. Normally have to put the belts on the drill press to the slowest setting and even then sometimes feel it's too fast, but I just left the press on its normal speed and mowed through without much heat and zero fuss. Easy as.

This is one set of bits I'm going to have to hide away from assorted borrowers.
Thanks Vince. Just drilled two holes in a bar and one in a bar nose with those cobalt drill bits. Would not have believed they could work so well if I hadn't just experienced it. Normally have to put the belts on the drill press to the slowest setting and even then sometimes feel it's too fast, but I just left the press on its normal speed and mowed through without much heat and zero fuss. Easy as.

This is one set of bits I'm going to have to hide away from assorted borrowers.
Good to hear [emoji4][emoji106]
giday chaps i been following this story of OZ county town troubles by unknown writer for few weeks, heres the into i'll post up the next 2 chapters later..

She'd shut the motor off as she got to the crest near their place, They couldn't see the road from their house but she knew they could hear passing cars. She was at the end of the road, the things that went missing, the footprints, the noises outside her window at night, they watched her, they listened for her.

They were low-life, scum, violent, soulless, but entrenched. They were connected through fine threads to the whole district.

You can't hide much in the country, but the brazen, the shameless can project an air that means they get left alone, no-one wants to lock horns with a beast that has nothing to lose.

She started the car again at the bottom of the hill, just near the bus-stop. The bus -stop where her daughter would catch the bus, if she wasn't staying at her dad's. It wasn't safe, she was 14, their sons 14 and 16 had taken to following her, knocking on the window at school, riding their dirt bikes up beyond their shed at dusk. They were creeps, half-witted, dangerous near-men schooled by their father Digger in petty lawlessness.

Digger was called Digger because his father was, he was called Digger because his father was, simple. The elder son was called Little Digger, the other one was Shayne. Digger worked for the council, a convenient cover for him to roam around the district helping himself to whatever he pleased,. It also meant he had eyes everywhere and he used the opportunity to keep the local copper appraised of anyone he felt was on the wrong side of the law, his competition.

It wasn't paranoia. Someone had been close to her house in the weeks after her daughter moved, firewood was continually going missing and unless she kept it locked up fuel always went astray but it felt like the pulse had gone up. She couldn't put her finger on it, but she felt threatened, and she couldn't go to the police.

She turned onto the bitumen, it was just a few minutes into town. She parked in front of the bakery and crossed the street with the two-stroke can in her hand. In the bike shop she could hear Norm on the phone.

".....I dunno yet if they actually took anything,.........yeah I know, mate, he was my best friend it was hardest thing I ever did, I was cryin, the vet tried to give me a hug. I'm tellin ya, if I find out who it was they'll be in ****** traction til Christmas. And just between you and me I found the loop off a Blunderstone on the ground next to Titus, he must've ripped it off before they whacked him........yeah, mate I gotta go I've got a customer"

"Hi Denise"

"You OK Norm?"

"Yeah, sort of, I had someone get into my yard probably after my Harley, Titus had a go at 'em and they've smacked him over the head, I had him put down last night"

She bunched her lips and slowly shook her head as he took the can for the chainsaw fuel.

"I'm not much for crying Denise but I gave it a good go last night, I'd rather lose the bike than him"

She continued shaking her head as he took the five dollars from her hand, "Oh Norm".....

As she left the shop she saw Digger's Mitsubishi tray back three doors up, Blunderstones upside down on the ends of the rear bar. She eased the secateurs from her pocket and nipped at the loop on the back of one of the boots before tearing it off.

Then she drove home.
giday chaps i been following this story of OZ county town troubles by unknown writer for few weeks, heres the into i'll post up the next 2 chapters later..

She'd shut the motor off as she got to the crest near their place, They couldn't see the road from their house but she knew they could hear passing cars. She was at the end of the road, the things that went missing, the footprints, the noises outside her window at night, they watched her, they listened for her.

They were low-life, scum, violent, soulless, but entrenched. They were connected through fine threads to the whole district.

You can't hide much in the country, but the brazen, the shameless can project an air that means they get left alone, no-one wants to lock horns with a beast that has nothing to lose.

She started the car again at the bottom of the hill, just near the bus-stop. The bus -stop where her daughter would catch the bus, if she wasn't staying at her dad's. It wasn't safe, she was 14, their sons 14 and 16 had taken to following her, knocking on the window at school, riding their dirt bikes up beyond their shed at dusk. They were creeps, half-witted, dangerous near-men schooled by their father Digger in petty lawlessness.

Digger was called Digger because his father was, he was called Digger because his father was, simple. The elder son was called Little Digger, the other one was Shayne. Digger worked for the council, a convenient cover for him to roam around the district helping himself to whatever he pleased,. It also meant he had eyes everywhere and he used the opportunity to keep the local copper appraised of anyone he felt was on the wrong side of the law, his competition.

It wasn't paranoia. Someone had been close to her house in the weeks after her daughter moved, firewood was continually going missing and unless she kept it locked up fuel always went astray but it felt like the pulse had gone up. She couldn't put her finger on it, but she felt threatened, and she couldn't go to the police.

She turned onto the bitumen, it was just a few minutes into town. She parked in front of the bakery and crossed the street with the two-stroke can in her hand. In the bike shop she could hear Norm on the phone.

".....I dunno yet if they actually took anything,.........yeah I know, mate, he was my best friend it was hardest thing I ever did, I was cryin, the vet tried to give me a hug. I'm tellin ya, if I find out who it was they'll be in ****in traction til Christmas. And just between you and me I found the loop off a Blunderstone on the ground next to Titus, he must've ripped it off before they whacked him........yeah, mate I gotta go I've got a customer"

"Hi Denise"

"You OK Norm?"

"Yeah, sort of, I had someone get into my yard probably after my Harley, Titus had a go at 'em and they've smacked him over the head, I had him put down last night"

She bunched her lips and slowly shook her head as he took the can for the chainsaw fuel.

"I'm not much for crying Denise but I gave it a good go last night, I'd rather lose the bike than him"

She continued shaking her head as he took the five dollars from her hand, "Oh Norm".....

As she left the shop she saw Digger's Mitsubishi tray back three doors up, Blunderstones upside down on the ends of the rear bar. She eased the secateurs from her pocket and nipped at the loop on the back of one of the boots before tearing it off.

Then she drove home.
The suspense is killing me...

So what happens next?
Hi Guys, after some help and advise on this one
Need to set the timing on the AH81 Big 10 as at the moment its set at TDC, now how can i get the timing to 25 degree BTDC
The other thing is, i dont have any gauges to do the job
part 2 the death of digger

"Electrocution apparently"

Denise tilted and slightly turned her head in the universally accepted manner that asks the recipient for more information.

"Well, you need to understand Denise that being a motorcycle mechanic puts me somewhere between a hairdresser and a pox-doctor. It's amazing what people will tell you when you're fiddling with their junk and if you actually bring something back from the dead they'll tell you all sorts of things...... I have almost unfettered access to most levels of society here via motorcycling enthusiasts, old British and Italian bikes particularly. I haven't told anyone what I told you but I knew that him and those two pieces of **** had given you and your daughter some grief"

Denise raised her eyebrows at this remark.

"Oh, John, the principal has a BSA that pretty much lives here, he told me".

"Electrocuted?" she repeated.

"That's right, sitting on his chair, police radio scanner in his lap in a big puddle of piss, to be exact they weren't sure that he didn't have a heart attack, piss himself and that got the radio which then shorted safety switch on the house, in fact they'd wired in before the meter so they could grow hydro and not pay for the power. Either way , his heart stopped and he's there dead with piss everywhere"

She'd seen the ambulance four days before and wondered, now she knew. It was the same day she saw the white car, it passed her between Digger's place and the bitumen, she remembered it because it was clean, a plain white Falcon, no cars around here were clean, that wasn't all. It was the same car she'd seen Norm leaning into the drivers door of in the lane behind his workshop, two big men inside, one with a beard.

"So, then the cops tell DHS and the next day they rock up and cart the boys off, luckily for them they've got an auntie in Broadmeadows, so they've gone there. In the meantime the cops have a sniff around Digger's place and the word is they found just about everything that's gone missing within fifty miles of here in his shed."

"Like I said Denise, don't go quoting me as the source but the word is no-one was really interested in looking too far into it, Digger had less friends than Sir John Kerr, he was a ****** dirtbag"

Norm looked into the distance over her shoulder, out the door, across the street, " I'm getting a pup on the weekend, It only seems right".
Part three the how and why

"You got somebody chopping your wood Denise?"

She blushed, she didn't think Norm would be at a party like this, she'd avoided him since he told her about Digger. She felt awkward, panicky.

She liked Norm, she'd seen him as a straight up and down bloke but the stuff about Digger had made her very uncomfortable.

"I still haven't used the last lot of fuel I got " he tossed his head and winked at her. She made a vague wave, flick of her hand gesture that was supposed to say " I'll catch up with you" and walked into the kitchen.

Later she stood on the back veranda looking at the moon and Norm's voice was close, " can I have a word Denise?" He walked around her and stood with the light from the house on his face looking toward the door.

"Sorry about that in there I didn't mean to embarrass you".

"Nah, it's fine, you're right I haven't.."

He cut her off, "look, I know you think I killed Digger, or had something to do with it"

she opened her mouth and he held his hand up,

"just shut up for a bit Denise and I'll tell you something and trust me it'll make us both feel a bit better. I was a bit annoyed when you cut the tag of that Blunny on his ute"

She opened her mouth again and again he held his hand up.

"I was annoyed because I took it to mean that you thought I was the kind of person who just go round there and bash him, I was going to have a word with you and say , you know, I'm a lover not a fighter kind of ********, and although I'm a handy lover I was a pretty good fighter when I was younger, however. I did see the funny side of you cutting that off too, you're a cunning sod and there's also some angry ****** up stuff inside you but we've all got a bit of that."

She leant against the veranda post and looked at him with a vague nod of agreement.

"But in the circumstances you actually showed a fair bit of restraint, they'd been monstering you two for a while, anyway let me finish. I already knew it was Digger who'd been in my yard. I asked Ronnie the guy who drives the garbage truck to keep an eye out for a pair of Blunderstones in a certain persons rubbish. You know just hop up on the side of the truck and look in after the wheely bin has been emptied, sure enough, there they were. So when you cut the tag off the replacement pair I figured he'd see that and know someone had a bead on him, that he'd be shitting himself. Next thing, Terry one of the local coppers drops in and says he's been getting intell' that I have a bunch of stolen Harley parts in my workshop, we both laugh and that was that, needless to say that was Digger trying to run some interference. I just figured if he ever came close enough I'd whisper in his ear and suggest that he might like to buy me a new dog. So months go by and Digger manages to stay away from me. I reckon he climbed into my yard because he'd overheard me talking to two blokes who'd been staying in town and working on the bypass, they had earth-moving stuff. It was at the show and they'd seen my Harley and we were talking about various bike stuff. Now these guys are shall we say bikers, real ones and I'll hazard a guess that earth-moving isn't their only business. They were both ex-army too, I like to think of myself as a reasonable gauge of character and I had these two down as top notch dangerous operators. They were nice enough to me, we had a laugh, they had a certain shall we say self assurance though that let me know they weren't everyday halfwit lowlife, and they had a fair bit of dough. I reckon Digger heard us talking about how much bikes like mine are going for and had dollar signs in his eyes. Anyway, these two earthmovers had their site office broken into when they were here last year, some computers, some other stuff and also some sort of stuff out of some of their machines, expensive electronic stuff, you know Caterpillar parts, I don't think they were insured and they lost time and money getting everything sorted out. It turns out they've kept their eyes and ears open and it's turned up for sale. They've gone around and given the guy a serious touch up and kept at it until he's told them where he got it. He claimed he didn't know the guy but he had his phone number. Now when I said these guys were dangerous operators I mean they could get stuff done. They've got someone at a phone company who's worked out for them where this number is, given them an address the whole lot. It was Digger. So they ring him up and suggest politely that he brings over some money and maybe a nice bottle of whiskey just to show that there was no ill feeling. This is how these guys operate, he comes to them, they take his money and the nice bottle of whiskey then they beat the living **** out of him. But Digger wasn't interested in that suggestion, he told them to get ****** , and, he told them he'd have the cops on them."

He paused and reached into his pocket, "Do you mind if I smoke this?" he asked holding up what looked like a big rollie.

"No, no, not at all" Denise kind of stammered , she was in a state of semi shock, she was having trouble keeping up, her mind was racing.

He lit it and took a big drag before offering it to her, Denise hadn't smoked dope for ten years she figured but she took it and stared at him as she pulled on it before handing it back.

"So, these guys are a bit indignant....."

"Hang on Norm, how do you know all this?" she had tunnel vision and her mouth was instantly dry,

" sit down pale face, you shouldn't have had this" he said , he took another big drag and blew the smoke away from her.

"Let's just say a few people had a few ideas and between us we kind of made a few guesses. So they came down here. When you saw me talking to them, yes, I saw you too, they'd just dropped in for a chat, they asked me if I knew If a Steven Blackburn was a member of the gun club, you aren't the only person who saw that car that day."

"Oh, ****, how long does this go for?"

"Not much longer, I'm the secretary of the gun club and I figure they were just working out whether Mr Blackburn, Digger, had any known guns......

"Hang on Norm, but he died of electrocution or a heart attack didn't he?"

"Yes he did, and here's how. They got their phone company guy to tell them when he was at home during the day so the boys weren't there, then they dropped in. They pulled up out the front, Digger was sitting on the porch, they've pointed a pistol at him and told him to stay where he was, one of them has grabbed his radio and dropped it in his lap and the other one has tipped a bucket of piss onto it. Bang, he's dead. Brilliant."

" Soooooo, how come no Police? Surely they want to charge these guys, I feel sick Norm"

" No suspicious circumstances Denise, if you knew half of the bad **** he had done and was still doing you wouldn't even be asking, the boys didn't ask the cops to investigate, their mum wanted him dead, good riddance to bad rubbish, is Ellie back at your place again? "

"Yeah, she is, Jesus Norm I really wish you hadn't told me that"

"Hey Denise, It's just a theory, a series of guesses. might have been natural causes, but there was a lot of piss, biggest piss in the world said one of the ambos."

The screen door squeaked behind her.

"Are you smokin dope out here you silly old man?" It was Norm's wife Helen,

"Gday Denise, you must be bored, listening to him ramble on when he's stoned, like a brown paper bag full of bat-****, sorry we have to go and you're not driving you idiot"

She sat on the veranda, her eyes stung but it had toned down enough now that she felt good. She nodded to herself, Digger was dead, the boys were gone, Digger had killed Titus and it had nothing to do with her, or Norm, what had happened to him was his fault, sort of. Deep down though she hoped that he had just had a heart-attack, and pissed himself....
This is a first for me:
View attachment 455565

Sister's partner dropped off a few chains for me to sharpen. Every LH cutter is busted off this loop, while the RH cutters were fine. So, I sharpened the RH cutters and will give it back to him. If he doesn't like my sharpening, he can take his chains to the local store instead next time. :D

was he serious or just sh*t stiring,,,, I wonder if he is dopey enough to put it on and try and cut something with it.... Normal man would throw the thing away and get a new one.
Lucus guys around here will do it for free, they just want the logs to mill/ slabs to sell.

Kaine, same on the north coast, but not many Lucas boys still working full time as its a hard living.
Usually they like to come in and take the log components and leave the rest, probably because they can still get logs up here a bit easier.
A lot of Lucas machines up this way tho, most sitting in sheds that work a few hours a year.
They are great little toys that every farm should own, their uses are endless in the right hands.
Now days, with everything removed, $17,000+
Ouch, but after all the gear is paid for, worth it for the level of skill and experience.
Lucus guys around here will do it for free, they just want the logs to mill/ slabs to sell.
Does seem a shame to chip any saw logs at least. Although there's a number of species in "mountain ash" and maybe it wasn't one of the good'ns. Or maybe whatever killed it pretty much stained the wood. Still, that's a heap of firewood being chipped. I mean, if they could get diggers, cranes and chippers in there, they could have gotten the chunks out . Perhaps they own the chipper and want to see it earning its keep and chipping pays more $ than firewood or saw logs? Mind you, I don't think we saw what they did with the butt log, did we?

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