the all aussie dribble thread!

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My apologies to our Australian brothers for this thread hijack. I'll get out of here and let you have your thread back.
Some things just needed to be said.

No worries from me Bob, I have been known to raise the bar a little in order to get a message or fact across.
tomorrow is another day.
all good! see back on track as per usual.

OK well not completely back on track but gotta look after the old timer :msp_wink: The thunderous downunderous :jester:
I checked out this thread and saw Promac's replies. Going back into the thread I remembered it was him who sent me a PM about the discussion that was going on. So he may have been referring to me as one who left the forum. - I didn't leave because of the way the moderators were running the forum.

If I was sitting around with a group of blokes and they started insulting me, I'd go somewhere else.

What crapped me off was people would ask me a question, I'd answer it honestly, and then they'd freak out and try to insult me. I've had the same thing happen on other forums, so I move on to another place that can handle the discussion.

For example, I recently sent Matt a link to a thread (Port Arthur) on an off road forum where I ended up after having a 'freak out' on a motorcycle forum - so I moved on. Some forums can handle various issues, other forums can't. There's no use me trying to fit a square peg in a round hole.
Redgum stump im 6' 4''
