the all aussie dribble thread!

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Do you know what is the tallest tree on the mainland then? have you seen the Ada?

From googling it seems tassie has the tallest and its very tight between NSW and Vic on the main land.
But a couple of centuries ago was a different story.

NameLocationHeightGirthMeasurement Details
1.Ferguson TreeHealesville, Watts River Catchment, Victoria AustraliaOver 500ft (154m+)56.5ft (17.5m)Measured by Surveyor Ferguson. Fallen tree 435 feet to tree (top broken by fall). 3 feet thick at break. Recorded in 1872
2.Not Named
Mt Baw Baw,

Victoria, Australia

470 ft (145m)N.A.Measured by Surveyor G.W. Robinson. Prior to 1889
3.Lynn Valley TreeBritish Columbia near Vancouver Canada417 ft (128m)53ft (16.4m)Past Specimen, not well verified (Ref. Dr A.C.Carder)
4.Centenial Exhibition TreeMenzies Creek, Victoria Australia400ft (123m)72 ft (22m)Measured by sawmiller after felling. Prior to 1888
5.Not namedDandenongs, Victoria Australia392 ft (120m)N.A.Fallen tree measured by Surveyor David Boyle in 1862. He added 30 ft for its broken top giving it a total height of 420ft.
*Hyperion TreeRedwood National Park379.1ft (115.55m)World's Current Tallest Tree
6.Thorpdale TreeThorpdale, South Gippsland, Victoria, Australia375ft (115m)N.A.Accurately measured by surveyor, G. Cornthwaite. Felled 1880.
7.Not namedCalifornia Redwood368ft (113m)66ftFelled in 1992.
8.Howard Libby TreeCalifornia Redwood, Humbolt Country, California360ft (111m)52ft (16m)*Largest known tree still standing in the world
9.Gerraty TreeToorongo Forest, Noojee, Victoria Australia348ft (107m)N.A.Fallen tree measured by Inspector of Forests, F.G Gerraty, 1939
10.Not namedWellington Pine, Redwood Mountain Grove, California347ft (107m)101.5ft (31.2m)Past Specimen (Ref: Dr A.C. Calder)
11.Olongolah TreeBeech Forest, Otway Ranges, Victoria Australia347ft (107m)N.A.Felled tree, measured by Colac Shire Engineer (pre-1900)
12.Neerim GiantNeerim Victoria325 ft (100m)48ft (14.7m)Measured by Government Surveyor. Broken top. Destroyed by fire.

what the heck is going on in the states!!
i bought these on eBay on friday and have just received them. that's unheard of from the US post! ( but loving it)

That's quicker than our local post!! I once received stuff from china in 3 days I was amazed!
Hi Rick, yeah I'm still doing fine. I'm working on a new project now - a 029 that hopefully will be a 562 killer. It looks do-able and as cheap as these used homeowner saws can be found, it could be neat project for someone on a budget. I'll probably have about $250 into the saw by the time I'm finished.

I ended up with the POS saw when I bought it to help out a bloke in town who's wife left him. Three days after I bought the saw, he left town - so now it is MY saw.

Hi 460cixy, thanks for the Hello.
What about UPS? I've seen a few of their brown vans floating around!

experience thus far.
FedEx fast but expensive!
DHL fast and cheap! air freight a trans out of the US for 1100 bucks. 200kgs!
USPS 9/10 bloody slow but cheap. the tacho shipment was unbelievably fast! worst has been 6 weeks from the US.
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Four guys have been going on the same hunting trip for many years. Two days before the group were to leave,
Sam's wife puts her foot down and told him he isn't going. Sam's hunting mates were very upset that he wouldn't
be joining them but what could they do?

Two days later, the three get to the camping site to find Sam sitting next to the fire drinking a cold beer. His tent
was set up, firewood gathered, and he had dinner cooking on the fire.

"Hell Sam, how long you been here? And how ever did you talk your wife into letting you go?"

Well…. I've actually been here since last night. Yesterday evening, I was sitting in my living room chair and
my wife came up behind me and put her hands over my eyes and asked, Guess who?" I pulled her hands off,
and there she was, wearing a sheer nightie. She took my hand and pulled me into our bedroom. The room
had candles and rose petals all over.

Well, she's been reading that book, 50 Shades of Gray. On the bed, she had handcuffs and ropes! She told
me to tie her up and cuff her to the bed, so I did. And then she said, "Do whatever you want."

So, Here I am!

Another Government Study Provides outstanding Results

CSIRO Officials admitted that they found about 200 dead crows on the highway between Noonamah and Palmerston, in Northern Territory, where there was concern that they may have died from Avian Flu.

The Territory Government approved and the CSIRO contracted a bird pathologist to examine the remains of all the crows and he confirmed the problem was definitely NOT Avian Flu, much to everyone’s relief.

However, he determined that 98% of the crows had been killed by impact with trucks, and only 2% were killed by car impact. (Didn't know there was a difference!)

The Territory Government then hired an Ornithological Behaviourist to determine the disproportionate percentages for truck versus car kills.

After 18 months of research and $2.7 million spent, the Ornithological Behaviourist determined the cause in the deaths.

When crows eat road kill, they always set-up a look-out crow in a nearby tree to warn of impending danger.

His conclusion was that the lookout crow could say “Cah”, but he could not say “Truck”.

I just wanted to make sure that you knew your tax money was being well spent.
It depends on Customs. I presume that the larger the package the more likely it is to be scrutenised from a safety and cracking the magic AUD$1000 limit standpoint. Can't let any unpaid taxes or fees slip by now can we? :)
I had a saw turn up today from the states using USPS, it took ten days. Value under 1K with some residual oil in the tank. Track your consignment number via the USPS web page and request email notification of package movement, the link is on the tracking page. Aust Post did my final leg in country.
I had a few sets of golf clubs get here via Fedex in 3 days, one included a weekend. Also had three 200T's posted at the same time from the US and they arrived in 2, 4, and 6 weeks. The holdup was US and Australian Customs as there were that many packages coming in and out that they were struggling to keep up. China seems to be quick though - generally 4-5 days for me.
The tracking is amazing and unlike Australia Post their parcels continue moving on the weekend.
Australia Post really needs some bloody competition - if we had Fedex, USPS, DHL, UPS come into Australia and take things seriously they'd smash the arse off of our postal service. The government wouldn't allow it though as it is government owned. Just so happens that foreign competition is fine as long as it doesn't effect any government institutions.

Another thing that really gives me the sh*ts is that Australia Post won't send anything over 1m (occasionally you'll sneak one through just over 1m like a 36" bar to Darren on Monday) but Australia Post are happy to handle incoming parcels up to 50" or more.

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