the all aussie dribble thread!

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gday matt how they hang'n .... yeah yeah i know one on the left one on the right and one lower than the other

Good morning old son. Hanging well I must say. Just remembered I had a few work emails to send so jumped on the good old iPaddles and somehow ended up on AS as well.
Just laughed at your comment on the other thread where the guy said it takes a gorilla to handle a 95cc+ saw for more than two hours. Damn weaklings...

I instantly though of Neil logging for all those years with 2100's and 3120's :D
Good morning old son. Hanging well I must say. Just remembered I had a few work emails to send so jumped on the good old iPaddles and somehow ended up on AS as well.
Just laughed at your comment on the other thread where the guy said it takes a gorilla to handle a 95cc+ saw for more than two hours. Damn weaklings...

I instantly though of Neil logging for all those years with 2100's and 3120's :D

yes i read on the gun forum's all the time a 71/2lb rifle is to hard to cart around the bush all day piss weak they just don't bread us like us any more .

i got a bodgy ticker and i still cut wood (well some times be buggered if i'm gunna give up) and just ordered a 7mm mag
for deer as the young bloke want's to go after sambar (and that comment made me do it haha) and heres me thinking i was over all that deer crap but he wants to hunt one and not use the electric puppy so i told him the hard yards he was in for . you see he has read all that crap in the forums on fallow and reds and stuff so i told him the the fun he's in for on sambar and he is still keen so thats that .

cheers D
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+1 on the Renegade, one of the better brands out there and (mostly) Australian made. Have a look at the HD300 which is the largest single phase on the market from memory.

thanks gents.. without search too hard Renegade gets mentioned a fair bit. found and outlet here in melbs. time to go fathers day shopping :hmm3grin2orange:

edit: hmmm doing research, its interesting the difference ya get between model in regards to cfm and LPM. for instance
10.6 cfm or 302lpm on same machine!
or another 17.9 cfm or235LPM. WTF?!!?!
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For those who helped with ideas plug the leak in my dam many thanks the bentonite worked a treat

You should have just plugged the sheep :)

what the oh,,,,,,, I read that wrong :msp_sneaky:

I'm going to need dig a hole for one soon he's on his last legs poor sod thou keep yer hands off the good lookin one eh

BLOODY HELL! A TWO STORY HOUSE!!! Nice!!! I miss stairs!!
Nice spot youve got there chief

ta bloke we got lucky with this one it fell into our hands in days when we could actually afford a home, fthat now home prices are stupid beyond stupid I feel bad for any young kids buyin in ATM
Many many thankings...

Just a little shout out to MCW at Riverland Saw Chain Supply. I know most of you know this fella far better than me but to anybody that doesnt, the blokes a bloody super star! Awesome service. Ta chief.
evening gents, best have a little read back, see who is telling what or who is selling what.

Just a little shout out to MCW at Riverland Saw Chain Supply. I know most of you know this fella far better than me but to anybody that doesnt, the blokes a bloody super star! Awesome service. Ta chief.

Wow, I never knew he was a bloody super star,,,,,, crikey we will need an appointment to speak to him after this post.

another satisfied customer :msp_thumbup: well done Matt (the original)
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New reduced weight bars, think they will catch on?


What in blue blazers are we looking at here Rudi,

The chick looks like she could handle some action, the bloody saw looks colourful and that bar has had some work done.
Yep another shelf queen,,,, the saw I mean.
What in blue blazers are we looking at here Rudi,

The chick looks like she could handle some action, the bloody saw looks colourful and that bar has had some work done.
Yep another shelf queen

Well Neil the story goes like this... I was searching for chainsaws on the google machine and that girl pops up. Turns out her name is Lollipop Chainsaw. Then I saw the elegantly machined chain bar and I was in love... true story.
What in blue blazers are we looking at here Rudi,

The chick looks like she could handle some action, the bloody saw looks colourful and that bar has had some work done.
Yep another shelf queen,,,, the saw I mean.

so is she it would be a cold day in hell before she got her hands dirty (well in a dirt way haha)
Thought the 441 looked a bit gay with the one small spike row. So got a set of the big bastards. Looks much better 


Go to your local army disposal's store and buy a few field dressings in case you slip and impale yourself :)

Just a little shout out to MCW at Riverland Saw Chain Supply. I know most of you know this fella far better than me but to anybody that doesnt, the blokes a bloody super star! Awesome service. Ta chief.

Oh for christ's sake. What the hell did I do now?

Wow, I never knew he was a bloody super star,,,,,, crikey we will need an appointment to speak to him after this post.

another satisfied customer :msp_thumbup: well done Matt (the original)

My mum is sewing gold and silver sequins on my chaps as we speak Neil. Ray Martin also called and wants to catch up with me. Normally when Ray calls there is an underprivileged crippled black child involved but I checked my Ranger's bull bar and couldn't find one.