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well well another socialist lefty, it's coments like this that has me buying a new rifle every 3 to 4 months so it cost's them bartards a crab load if they give me money to steel my property because they are too stupid to treat a crim as a crim instead of a victim.
not to mention educateing our kids the right way instead or the way they do now .
Not that extream but I normally buy one a year just to to my bit last one was a nice old lithgow 1b
Here's an old gamo I had for a while the scopes just there to see how it would look

One of my Anschutz match 54 after I got it off the qld cops coverd in sticky tape and other crap

My anschutz match 64 again coverd in tape and crap

Sportco 7.62 full bore target rifle now a scoped spot lighter shoots sub moa with just about any load

The trusty savage no4mk1 now the butt matches the rest of the timber and scoped for spot lighting

And some 30cal carnage when I was a few years younger then I am now

I should take some pics of the other bang sticks when I get a chance