it's a pity you aren't a bit closer matt i would like you to run me 460 now that thing has balls just as quick as a ported 660 that randy done
but i'm about to put a base gasket in it to lower the comp .
From memory the only 460 I've run was Andrew's stocky and that had some pretty impressive torque. Stock 7900's are similar if tuned properly. I remember when I'd been falling for ages with my ported 7900 then went back to my stocky. I was actually pleasantly surprised with the torque it had considering I'd been blinded by ported saws

It was also a lot quieter which was just lovely.
If you lean on your 460 or get more aggressive with the chain do you think it will hang with the 660? If they were both built to the same type of specs you'll find the 660 will walk away from it - straight to the nearest fuel station anyway!
Hey its a funny one mate but it's so hard to compare saws that it's not funny. I've had a certain builder say that I needed to run one of his 660's to know what real grunt is like after I mentioned that the 660 Brad built for me was a beast. He hadn't even run Brad's saw but assumed his would be faster. That sort of thing goes on all the time on AS from builders and it ***** me - guys like Cahoon, Timberwolf, and Copsey would be sitting back laughing their heads off

Now I know Brad isn't the best builder that's been on AS but it seems like those who start the most build threads must be the best builders

I'm happy with the saws Brad has built for me though as they are all still running and they've more than paid for themselves. I know other well known builders whose saws have gone down with less than a few hundred hours on them. Normally due to poor port bevelling leading to premature and unusual ring wear/breakage. Some of Brad's saws I've seen have also had issues too so I'm not playing favourites by any means. Uneven port bevelling is a sign that the so called "expert" builder isn't as good as he thinks he is.
I don't rag on any builders but I can't stand some of the more recent threads where builders play a game of "My dick's bigger than yours". Going back a while there was a GTG where builders ported 372 Huskys or something like that. From memory a Copsey saw came 2nd or 3rd and all the noobs assumed that the guy who won must have been a better builder than Copsey because his saw beat a Copsey saw in a 12" softwood cant!!!
Sorry for sounding like a miserable bastard but I remember when the 1st page of the chainsaw section was that full of a single builder's threads he must have been porting 30 hours a day. Thats what I was getting at above when I said that most newer builders are simply not putting the same amount of time into saw development as the older builders were yet they give the impression they are turning out the best saws the world has ever seen - it's more marketing than actual science.