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IME yes, or maybe even longer, it's fiddly arse stuff (but well worth the effort) and I'm not an expert in any way, shape or form.

I've seen what carby work can do to a saw and it blew me away. Stock saws are hampered a fair bit by the EPA. I won't name drop but a fellow member here (he's a short bloke) played with a carby on a saw I once owned. I saw this saw run later on and said "So you've ported it then?".
Actually he hadn't. The massive improvement was just carby alone. Even stock saws can take way more fuel than most people think.
I was quite literally blown away. He wasn't. He'd seen it all before hundreds of times :)
The inside of the carb was a work of art.
I've seen what carby work can do to a saw and it blew me away. Stock saws are hampered a fair bit by the EPA. I won't name drop but a fellow member here (he's a short bloke) played with a carby on a saw I once owned. I saw this saw run later on and said "So you've ported it then?".
Actually he hadn't. The massive improvement was just carby alone. Even stock saws can take way more fuel than most people think.
I was quite literally blown away. He wasn't. He'd seen it all before hundreds of times :)
The inside of the carb was a work of art.

Seen it done on karts with big Tillo's, that's where I learned some stuff way back in another lifetime and applied to it the C3M on the Makita.

:clap::clap::clap: best add the'' Tm'' or else some other bludger will steal your new slogan bob.

what will you chaps think of next,,,,,,, iridescent pink mufflers ????
edit,,,,, had a giggle diss arvy while sawing,, just imagining the Chinese building a huge diecast statue immortalising bob the world advocate for buying Chinese chainsaws. Bob standing prowd with his foot on top of a Chinese 070 copy as showing he tamed the wild beast.
A public 1/2 day holiday in his honour calling it mcbobchiwowa arvyoff.
One last jab at the saw porting issue... being the computer/electronics engineer that I am, I see that the time has come for folks like myself to tweek saws with software changes to get better improvements, and/or make the gains from porting that much better. Fairly simple to do with SW these days. Take a squished jug and advance the timing curve and fatten up the fuel flow. Undo all the EPA limited crap and let them fly. Ported or stock, imagine a ported Autotune/Mtronic saw with its full potential? No orange screwdriver required.
We have a few Blakelys red gum left around here, in my life time i've not seen this variant shed limbs like those close to water.

another factor to add maybe is phototropisim as the river bank trees location and species form allow them to elongate limbs over water or to more open park like cleared areas below. These limbs getting more side sun than in typical closed forest may then over grow & fail on days of heat or storm when physic & gravity finds the weak spot

note plants / trees dont actual grow towards light, they actual grow away from the dark. Its the IAA auxin that makes the dark side of stem cells elongate and so push the top tip to the light side or away from the dark,,,,,, some good starwars stuff here young Jedi
Ah yes, phototropism, if a eucalypt is viewed throughout the day this phenomena can be observed as the tree will turn its leaves to gather the appropriate amount of sunlight and/or conserve moisture in hotter weather.
another factor to add maybe is phototropisim as the river bank trees location and species form allow them to elongate limbs over water or to more open park like cleared areas below. These limbs getting more side sun than in typical closed forest may then over grow & fail on days of heat or storm when physic & gravity finds the weak spot

note plants / trees dont actual grow towards light, they actual grow away from the dark. Its the IAA auxin that makes the dark side of stem cells elongate and so push the top tip to the light side or away from the dark,,,,,, some good starwars stuff here young Jedi

Funny thing is that we have nearly all of those hormones in stock and use them regularly at set timings to alter certain plant growth characteristics. Get it right and all good. Get it wrong and you'll stuff a plant up forever. IAA is also used for other things such as on plant cuttings as a rooting compound (of a non sexual nature!).

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