Somebody's talking crap here & it ain't the tree!
Burnt my way through ironbark with a 'sharp' drop saw making feet for my bed. That is freak'n hard, like our dry Puriri (Vitex lucens). Might try to make a few wedges. Not sure if wood wedges will feel the same when hit with an axe head. The plastic ones have a different feel the more they are loaded up. Makes it pretty easy to feel what's happening upstairs.
What's the advantage of aluminium over plastic?
Aluminum wedges drive better and are more positive. Decent ones aren't cheap though. A 10" Stihl alloy is near AUD$50.
I'll see what I can find as far as videos go but the saw won't have any chance of hitting a wedge if done properly. This is out of a falling manual I have...