There is a wrap handlebar/long bar disclaimer around here somehwere... lemme see... found it!

"1. Any 3/4 wrap handlebar, full wrap handle bar, and any chainsaw bars longer than 28" that are being shipped East of the Mississippi River shall have written permission from the governing State to which said items are being shipped.
2. User shall upon receipt, take items to the nearest
"wrap handle and long bar inspection station" where they will have to show 3 forms of identification (a belt buckle is not a form of identification), a blood sample (for DNA test to see if there is any West Coast blood in you), proper chainsaw powerhead to attatch item to, and a $50.00 inspection fee. Blood sample will take approximately 90 days to process.
3. After the 90 day waiting period, and a positive West Coast blood match, user may pick up powerhead with attached items from inspection station. User must then attend a 3 week training course at one of 5 of the Full-wrap saw colleges located in either Columbus Ohio, Albany New York, Savannah Georgia, Greensboro North Carolina, or Lexington Kentucky. Once the 3 week course is completed with a passing grade a full wrap/long bar certificate will be issued to the user.
4. If the blood test comes back negative. User will be given their $50.00 back in the form of a Wal-Mart gift certificate to use toward the purchase of a green saw of their choice."
Sorry you guys... I couldn't resist!!!:jester: :jester: :jester: