The Effect of Smoking

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I thought I saw a pic like your avatar before....but your biceps weren't that big before. Been climbing with just your arms lately?
Originally posted by Tree Machine
I think body thrusting could kill ya quicker than smoking.
Dang I oughta be dead ten times then; bodythrusting is all I do once I'm off the ladder, 54 and I ain't tired of it yet.:)

I figure it keeps me in shape for that other pelvic activity, doin' the Lonnng strokes!:D

NO matter how you get up the tree, smoking doesn't help. Power to you guys quitting, Live Long and Prosper!
Originally posted by RockyJSquirrel

reminds me of a guy i was workin with always taking t6he lame managers for a ride,he turns up after a day off siting hed done his ''hamy''(hamstring)he really ment his hemis,done a hemi:rolleyes:

"Anyhow have a Winfeild"

Paul Hogan (hero to all 15 year olds, at the time) did all our cigerett advertising in the 70s and earley 80s..

And so I did the cool thing and started...Bad choice...

For me it was more social, I was into all sorts of sports, and only smoked after dinner..and other nocturnal acctivitys...

I tried the patches, about $50 bucks a week, and stilll a carton of smokes (8x 25 packs) about $50 bucks...

The patches must of gotten into my system, all i could smell was nicoteen...Had to have a smoke...

Many weeks later the patches got to expencive...They had to go...
Tried again with "zyban" a pill they devoloped for deppression, and found so many people stopped smoking, they marked it as a stop smoking medication(cost me AU$270.00 for the program)

Worked its but off, 6 months without a smoke...The things i could smell for the first time was amazing...I could smell 2 stroke and lawn clippings from a mile away. BBQs, rain, even clorine in the water where i was staying...

Thought of my self as haveing "super human scences"

I was doing "proficencies" at the time so the extra breath was AWSOME aswell..

Then back on the line, 50m in the air, swaying towards the line (way closer than my 6m approch limits) blowing 30 knots of wind,
thinking STRESS is what this feeling is...never really had it before in the trees....

I called down for a smoke, (dident matter what)...ARRRRRRRR
got her down no worries...

These days, my rules about smoking...
1; dont leave the ground without at least 7 in the pack
2; Take a spare lighter..
3;dont put them in your top pocket in summer..(they get all wet)
4; when finnished, put it out well, then throw it at the groundie. Love to watch it sail to the ground..(havent got him once yet)

Now I have a new "gogogadget vest" to keep em in...its gunna be hard to give them away, till i change jobs..

Heres the vest...
[Originally posted by MasterBlaster]
The VA gave me Zyban, it didn't do anything for me.

did it do anything for deppression then?
I felt absolutely nothing from them, one way or the 'nother. And I don't do the depression thing. Life is way to short for that.
here here, so right there...way to short...

I spoke with some others that tried zyban, a lot of people seem to take things "less seriously"when on them, i must say even i with "super sences" felt absolutly great...

Can't say i do dwell in deppressed states either, but humans are prone to mood swings.

Without a deppressed state once in a while, its hard to see the really good things in life, a point of reference so to speak...

Just as im about to through a (way to heavey) saw to buggery , just think of something positive, like my son Maximilian (4) with his OWN Sthil chainsaw(cutting my 88 in half), and how dissapointed he would be to see me throw in the towel, a little deppresion from time to time is good for the soul IMO...Derek..
Hypnosis works. It seems hokey at first and I was skeptical (so was my wife) but it worked. Gets you past that wanna kill somebody phase. Just don't ever pick up a smoke and think you'll just have one cause it'll start all over again. Why quittins easy, I've done it a thousand times!
Just toss the darn thigns away. If you really want to quit, then you will. More power to you and I am sure we all support you in this endeavor - you will be thankful you did!:cool:
I'm all for anyone having the strength to quite smoking or any other bad habit for that matter, however, most ex smokers simply replace one bad habit for another, much like reformed alcoholics.
Most bad habits are simply a low level of awareness- as I light up a smoke. lol
Why is it that we are more concerned about the mix and gas that we put in our saws than the garbage we put in our bodies?
Am I sounding like Crofter yet?
Remember, it's garbage in- garbage out.
The human condition differentiates between two things only- poisons and nutrients and has the infinite wisdom to deal with both, however, one is only as strong as ones liver.
Regardless, most people are commiting slow suicide on the installment plan.
It's been said that life is a tradgedy of nutrition, so I guess there is always room for improvement in all of us.
Just keep the wheels turning. The longest lived people are the ones who consume the most ozygen, so when you take that haul off a cigarette, take that extra deep breath for your lungs, or simply do breathing exercises while driving home from work etc.
If it brings you pleasure light it up, you won't live forever anyway. Smoke em if you got em. A healthy man should smoke. Youre addicted dont fight it. Nothing like that first cig and a cup of coffee at sunrise.
Originally posted by wiley_p
healthy man should smoke.

That's an oxymoron.

And theres nothing better then waking up in the morning breathing in that fresh air knowing that your saving hundreds of bucks a year by not killing yourelf.

Which leads me to this...

Amount that people spend a year to harm themself:
Examples:smoking, drinking, drugs, etc = Alot

Amount that people spend a year to better themself:
Examples: gym membership, recreational equip., etc = Not Enough
there is something fundamentally wrong with the need to go to a gym to stay in shape, go to the store less, grow more of your own food, build your own house, If people had been doing this more things would be alot better. And again if it brings you pleasure what is the problem? we are all going to die at one point or another, you speak as if you have some say in the process.
I'm on day 2-1/2 now. Feels good not having any, however I feel like a message banner (like behind those airplanes) goes across my brain every now and then stating, "Just go buy some, it'll be great!"

Any suggestions for diverting attention to positive things? I plan to go back to my earlier health habits of running and drinking plenty of water. At least then I was in better shape and didn't have the urge.

Also, I know it's a bit late for the number of posts here, but shouldn't this be elsewhere, not in tree care and climbing?
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thanks, I'll give those a shot. I had a bag of sour patch gummees yesterday. Spit out the remainder of the bag out the window on the way home though.

anyone every try the myth of eating a cig to persuade against them or create an aversion to them?
I quit over 9 years ago. I was in the Navy. Ran out of smokes and money at the same time, so I decided to quit cold turkey. Then figured out that you could take a break to have a smoke, so I started back again. I quit again a few months later, and haven't smoked since (aside from a few cigars).

Butch, why don't you just quit for good?