The Effect of Smoking

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Originally posted by Proj Eng

Any suggestions for diverting attention to positive things? I plan to go back to my earlier health habits of running and drinking plenty of water. At least then I was in better shape and didn't have the urge.

I'd say go out for a run and feel the burning in your lungs! That should produce a lasting memory.
Originally posted by MasterBlaster
I plan to, as soon as the temps get steady into the 70's. The patch won't stick, otherwise. Probably another month or so.

MB if you can go out in the morning and knock down a 100 ft pine etc must have enough will power to beat the cigs without any need for patches..i quit with will power alone, now if i can do it anyone can ..the knack is to keep on patting youreself on the back like well done i have gone 4 hours ,1day ,1 day 3 hours ,3 days ,one week, one month,a year ..just keep on congratulating yourself..after a week you will forget about a cig for maybe an hour or two after a month you will forget for days that you once smoked or fancy a's not easy giving up smokeing but i would say i do not reccomend the patches as they are realy still feeding your nicotine addiction cold turkey is the only way imo ..also tell lots of people that you have quit it makes you not want to be defeated
i've heard a gallon of petrol over the head every morning deters you from lighting up:D
Originally posted by TreemanFJR

Amount that people spend a year to better themself:
Examples: gym membership, recreational equip., etc = Not Enough

time available for recreational activites hence needing to spend money on recreational equipment = not enough
Originally posted by wiley_p
there is something fundamentally wrong with the need to go to a gym to stay in shape, go to the store less, grow more of your own food, build your own house, If people had been doing this more things would be alot better. And again if it brings you pleasure what is the problem?

we are all going to die at one point or another, you speak as if you have some say in the process.

Don't eat that last part 'arry, thats "orse thit!
If you get careless and start sleeping on the railroad tracks you surely can skew your odds. You do have input!

Gypo; are you still off the weed? There is none so pious as the reformed sinner!

Masterblaster; you should have a big store of willpower; you never used any before! Butt out, suck it up and quit your whining!

An old reformed sinner.
Originally posted by Mike Maas
I heard ti takes about seven minutes to smoke a cigarette. Multiply that by 2 packs a day, and you are standing around smoking 4.6 hours a day! That's more than a part time job!
Think of the lost human potential.

there have been countless times where i lit up right before i start up and had the tree on the ground before i even finished my smoke...........

mike can you walk and chew gum at the same time? can you climb with that same piece of gum?

well i can climb with a smoke hanging from my lips......
You bet guys....still going strong COLD TURKEY. I miss my morning cig and cup o' joe. Nothing like it in the world. Oh well....this is one time where the quitter actually wins.

Thanks again for all the support,
Frank, don't make me call in RJS. LOL


If I could practise what I preach,
Of fellows there would few be finer;
If I were true to what I teach
My life would be a lot diviner.
If I would act the way I speak,
Of halo I might be a winner:
The spirit wills, the flesh is weak,--
I'm just a simple sinner.
Six days I stray,--on number seven
I try to be a little better,
And stake a tiny claim on Heaven
By clinging close to gospel letter.
My pew I occupy on Sunday,
And though I draw the line at snoring,
I must admit I long for Monday,
And find the sermon boring.

Although from godly grace I fall,
For sensed with sin my every act is,
'Twere better not to preach at all,
Then I would have no need to practice.
So Sabbath day I'll sneak away,
And though the Church grieve my defection,
In sunny woodland I will pray:
"God save us from Perfection!"

--- Robert Service, Carols of an Old Codger, 1954

geeze you guys im a reformed 4 pack a day until now its 2! my dad is one that can do anything w/ a smoke in his mouth but he has quit cold turkey for years! go figure. honestly i dont want to quit but if someone didnt want me to smoke in their house fine but dont you dare walk in mine and say i cant stand the smoke can you please go outside? sure open door size 6 up your butt!! oops no pun intended, DO NOT COME BACK because im a smoker i would never disresect a non smoker only the ... holier than thou reformed i can do no wrong ones! grrr dont tell me i cant smoke around your kid at my house either when you smoke at least 1 pack a day! back up jack! go home. grrr im not done but this subject just pmo good thing the dog has to go out! lmao oh by tw ive smoked since 12 im 37 and yes it feels good not to smoke....for the first 12 years
MB said
As soon as you get up, slap the patch on yur smooth pec. Then, especially if your gonna be working, back it up with duct tape. You don't need much, just something to help out the patch-stickyness. The next morning, slap it on the other pec, and likewise thereafter

MB-you must have some really big pecs to have enough room to keep putting all those patches on :D
Originally posted by Mike Maas
LOL, I bet you can.
Still, it's a lot of time smoking. Take that four and a half hours a day times seven days, that's thirty two hours a week with a smoke.
Funny thing about any drug addiction, if you would have never started, you wouldn't crave it.
I've worked with both guys addicted to smokes, and non-addicts, when it comes to needing endurance, smokers suck wind.


i kind of agree about the time thing though........when i was training for my peru trip i stopped for 7 months.( yea i know i'm a looser for starting again) the ground crew was hating me, i just never stopped moving in a tree. shouting rope/ take up. i never gave them that smoke break to catch up. i do feel i waiste time since i'm smoking again.
i have a pal 58 yerars old ..who spent most of his holliday in california in hospital bronchitous..dew to smokeing i think ..such a shame ,in my exsperience smokeing illneses hit you like a train hard and fast AND JUST WHEN YOURE NOT EXSPECTING IT

Well gentlemen all I can say is I'm going to have to quit, I just went to the doctors today to find out what was wrong with me, after a couple of x ray and a few other tests looks like the 2 packs a day for 20 years have caught up with me. I'm having to go back in next week for further tests but looks like from what they have seen its the beginning of emphysema, I seen the x ray and it humbled me pretty good.
Sorry to hear that man. Don't let it get you down and try to stay optimistic. Hope it works out o.K. for ya.
i am also sorry to hear that brother. don't worry, you'll be fine...just put the coffin nails down NOW!! I'm still smoke free and I can't believe it.


this is a sad day in the life of Tony.....I have given in to the call of the cigarette and smoked 2 today. I must apologize to myself for being a weak, pathetic fool.

Hey Tony, Don't worry about it. I, too, caved into the power of nicotine again. Just keep trying, that's all we can do.
You guys who want to quit, if the least you can do for yourselves is keep the idea in mind you want to quit smoking, do at least that. You may get an opportunity that'll make quitting easier.

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