I appologize...
for dragging this out, but you are an embarrassment to your "profession".
By adding the extra oil for a 32:1 mix you are adding 36% more oil or 36% less gass to combust.
Percent decrease = 36.01%
This is why I am an engineer and you are not. If you go back to page one and look at what I have put down as a percent decrease you will see it is of OIL and not GAS.
There it is, your own words. TWICE. 36% less gas to combust.
The percent increase in gas for my original comparison problem (From 32:1 to 50:1) would be about .00107 gal
Huh? Changing your tune again? And what is that .00107? The increase in gas by volume is 1.16%. (which is equal to ~1.5oz gas per gallon)
If you will please note, I already acholadged that the post you quoted was incorrect.
Really, where?
where a .107% loss in gas could be found for a 2 gal amount
So now it is a .107% LOSS. A percent loss from one volume will not equal a percent gain from another number due to the fact that you are taking PERCENTAGES of different starting amounts.
Don't assume things about people, it isn't much better then me assuming you are a hack that tops and uses spikes to prune just because you climb trees.
This is why I am an engineer and you are not
Oh, but you assume you know about all of us and take your little "I'm a PE, I know what I'm doing and you don't" stance? You are joke dude. You don't know squat about anyone on here in terms of what their aptitude is or whether any are PEs. You're living proof that having your engineering degree is worth a bucket of warm spit. You can't put together a word problem and solve it properly and you keep changing your tune (and still get the wrong numbers).
Ben Walker already came up with the same numbers I did. BTW, you still haven't come up with the actual % increase in oil volume by richening the mix to 32:1 ( hint, it isn't 36%), and you are still arguing the point. You have done more to discredit engineers in one thread than all of NASA in recent years.
Just do what the owners manual says and lets drop this $h!t.
That's right, start back-pedalling little boy. And when you come up with the right numbers let us know. We are waiting with baited breath. By the way, let us know who you work for so we can be sure to avoid buying anything that you "engineer". You'd be a lot farther ahead if you had taken the time to read my earlier posts, look at my point and say, "my bad, I used the wrong numbers". Instead you keep trying to make excuses. That sh!t won't carry you far in the working world.