The New MS880 AS Compared To An 088

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I don't even know yet Deets. I'll call tomorrow and find out.

I will tell you this......the MS880 with the smaller carb and boot was a bad dude. I tuned it to 13,000 with a 20" .404 and noodled up a pile of wood. Fun saw to run like that.
so far so good.. well awesome actually.. a 36" bar fully buried in pine was nothing for it. sat 9 -10k in the cut :rock:
il send ya a vid link later.... i have a question about it.;)
Sorry guys, I have a Masterminded 088 and wonderful as it is, it ain't gonna render a 090 useless on bars 72" and longer. It doesn't have the same torque and its oiler would not keep up. 84 + inch is getting into 090g territory. And NO 088/880 is gonna best one of those with a long bar.
There is a big difference in torque between a 090g and non "g" direct drive. What will easily stop a direct drive saw will not even slow a gear drive down, of course they are slow enough anyway. The gear drive 090's are a 2:1 ratio. Most are 106cc's but some like mine are the full 137cc's.

The 084 has an oiler overide adustment like the 3120, not a manual oiler. The 088/880 is only an auto oiler. Mine seems maxed out running a 60" bar.
Sorry guys, I have a Masterminded 088 and wonderful as it is, it ain't gonna render a 090 useless on bars 72" and longer. It doesn't have the same torque and its oiler would not keep up. 84 + inch is getting into 090g territory. And NO 088/880 is gonna best one of those with a long bar.
Hey!'re not helping my cause. :laugh: