Peppermint is pretty OK for that. I put a couple bottles of the cheap food-grade extract in a squirt bottle with rubbing alcohol to fill it up to repel 'em in my garage. I learned that trick after the nasty infestation I had a couple of years ago.
Well, looks like I'm a retired climber.
I've thought about falling, I don't think it would be too hard to make the transition.
I was feeling like it was about time to hang up the spurs anyway.
I thought falling was what got you hurt in the first place........I've thought about falling, I don't think it would be too hard to make the transition.
Did the doc say anything about stumbling?The doc told me I'd likely never walk normal again, let alone run... or hike
Also, as Bob said, there's good steady work in healthcare
me right leg is way bigger now. i believe i now use parts of it i didn't used to and thats why its bigger now. i don't limp and your right, ya have to think about it at first.I got a horsecrap diagnosis for a mangle leg one time. They threw me out of PT even. My thigh was smaller diameter than my knee joint after 5 days per week of PT for 11 full months. when they gave me walking papers. I bought a pair of telemark skis and two years later I could ski moguls fast and my thigh was bigger on the damaged leg than the good leg. I had 30% use of the leg when the big brains threw me out of PT. Two years later I had 90% use of it. Today it is 5/8" shorter than it used to be, but I don't limp at all (a conscious decision) and I have 100% use of that leg.
It ain't fun and it ain't easy, but keep plugging.
Don't listen to them or you will start believing them.