The Traveling Leveraxe/Leveraxe 2 Thread

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Just brought back another small load of winged elm rounds, the trunk parts. Now these are cut short at 12 inches because either way, I *have* to split them, but they are here now, good size to try out the leveraxe on. And for sure will have some easy straight grained ready to, cut at 16, some red oak. Plus some knotty gnarly white oak at 16 and some normal shagbark hickory at 16. That will be a good comparison. I have the fiskars original, the husky splitting axe old style, then we'll try the lever axe, in the same wood.

I sincerely hope it will do the hickory well, this is the best wood here and if you have to sell any, fetches the most clams. If it does the elm, cool, but...haven't seen anything that will do elm yet. Not easy anyway. It's just such good burning wood and they croak around here at around 8-12 inches diameter. And sweetgum is so prolific, just...about like elm, suckage.
SVK, when you get it let me know. Bob's GTG is the 18th, were all set on trying it out and shipping it to who ever gets it next. Ive google it and it looks weird, to say the least. Dying to try it out.
All you guys trying it out, remember, it has to be loose in the hands when it strikes, so it can pivot and lever.

Well, I guess loose is relative, but that's the gist of it. It does automagically what some do with some trying, that last second flick to pop the split out better.

And let's keep it out of dirty wood so it stays sharp..heh
That's one of my key concerns Zog - if the tool jerks/torques the user's wrists on impact. It is one of the things I am interested in evaluating when I get a chance to try it.

OK guys, svk asked me a couple weeks ago if he could do this. I told him it would be fine. You guys can comment on the axe and praise it or degrade it whatever you see fit to do, But in no way can the seller of these axes comment on this thread. he cannot post videos or even give the specs on it. He is not a sponsor and it wouldn't be fair to the guys here that sell axes. One post from him and I will lock it up. I hope he can comply with this as it would not benefit him any to get it locked. Also would not help the guys that want to try it out.
SVK, when you get it let me know. Bob's GTG is the 18th, were all set on trying it out and shipping it to who ever gets it next. Ive google it and it looks weird, to say the least. Dying to try it out.
Shouldn't be a problem, provided it arrives in the next week. Just checked and its still sitting at a shipping terminal in Finland. I'm cutting this Sunday/Monday and again the following Sunday. Will get it moving in time to arrive at your place by Friday the 17th.
That's one of my key concerns Zog - if the tool jerks/torques the user's wrists on impact. It is one of the things I am interested in evaluating when I get a chance to try it.


Supposedly according to what I recall from the older threads, it should lessen any felt shock/impact.
From what I've read wearing regular leather gloves is the best. Release firm grip just before head hits wood. Do not wear rubber palmed gloves as they will stick causing stress on both user and tool.

Also I believe this tool achieves results on a speed basis ie Fiskars so the follow through isn't necessary.
Okey dokey, here is the ash I just cut, and the elm from yesterday. Have the white and red oak and hickory in the other stacking area and elsewhere in the yard.


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