stop me if you've heard this one before.
Has top made like public-bathroom fasteners-one way only BUT reversed so that one _cannot_ engage a tool to tighten them (therefore finger only eh). Tool would be shank of scrench/screwdriver laid across the cap. Tool ONLY allows purchase in LOOSENING direction.
It's made of a single moulding of the bomb-proof black plastic used now for what 20 years, has right hand threading and a Dolmar-esque retainer (they're sooo easy). And all models for all saws from every continent take the same size cap and seal.
SEAL is O-ring. Buying replacement caps with non-renewable washer seals is hogscat of top order. Renew a dozen seals for the price of one flip-meister-flipenstein cap/always having a spare seal in the toolbox-how many flippidippities are you going to stock? thought so... badaboom. takes bow.
I thought the great and mighty orange over white company so many kneel before would have only used idiot caps on consumer buzzboxes. wrongo. i'm in the OH,X.X camp eh. LET vintage ROAR!
and eff the ****** flippies in case someone missed that. (my mom has a flippy cap saw):hmm3grin2orange:
okay she has an OH,XX saw too, so she's still cool, yo.
on edit:
worn/cracked/nicked seals are probably _why_ anyone ever used a wrench to tighten a cap in the first place. fresh seals-either type only require the finger pressure of a 5-year-old. the only two caps i've every replaced in my (non-professional) time have been two Stihl's. One to renew a seal, and the other a broken flippy that i failed to take serious when i used it the first time. i failed to sit down and take out the manual and observe all the warnings, schematics, directions, achtungs, and precautions, because i have found most of those sorts of things to be utterly useless and boring for a person with a touch of common sense and a pile of ADD.
and if your hands are too wet greasy oily to screw down a cap, then maybe they're too slick to operate a chainsaw. grab some dust and wipe them off eh.
I do like the flip-up GRIPPER idea above and wouldn't mind it being adapted to my (now patent applied for) design UPON the condition that the flippy slips at a VERY low torque tightening (plenty to engage seal properly) while providing full direct torque when opening-but threads remain simple RH no gimmicks, no notches, no measuring, no mess.
hey, my dog just rolled up and said:
"There are two kinds of Stihl operators, those who
have busted a flippy and those that are
going to."
he's so funny. dang dog.