This is the LAST SAW I'll ever add to my collection

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Very nice saw, somehow, I bet you find another one to add to your collection

There are still a few holes there that could find a place holder if it showed it's face.

Last saw? Are you planning on "kicking the bucket" soon? I hope not.....LOL

Kick the bucket - no but I am feeling a bit "old and slow" compared to some of you guys who are finding piles of real collectibles and rehabing them.
Contra Dating

Well done Carl Im looking forward to the pics ! Re badge I may be able to help just let me find where I put them and check they match up.
As for date have a look back at my post on the Contra info thread I posted up the s # of mine and we know my S is early 64 so that may help ?

Your memory is better than mine. I went back and found your post dating your contras and here is what You posted:

SN: 188587 Feb 1962 Contra
SN: 208362 Nov 1962 Contra
SN: 359799 ? 196? my Contra S
SN: 373556 Dec 1964 Contra
SN: 378879 Apr 1966 Contra

Some of my faulty math:

188587 in 1962 to 208362 in Nov 1962 = 2,197 contras manufactured per month.

208362 in Nov 62 to 373556 in Dec 1964 = 12,707 contras manufactured per month.

373556 In Dec 1964 to 378879 in Apr 1966 = 333 contras manufactured per month.

Of course these are rough averages but you might be seeing a ramping up of sales between 1962 and 1964 and then a decline in sales from 1964 to 1966.

With these numbers I'm going to guess my Contra S was made in October 1964.

Can anyone make a better guess at dating my S? It will be interesting go get additional serial numbers and continue this dating scheme.

LINK to SUPER INTERESTING Stihl Contra, 070, 090 information

For those of you interested in Contras - 070s - and 090's this link:

takes you to one of the most informative threads on this subject, started in Nov 2008. I wouldn't mind seeing it brought forward and more up-to-date information added to it.

Here's an example:


Many knowledgeable members have contributed to this thread especially SawBones.

I agree on the thread Karl!

It is a easily hidden thread!

Easy to see why though!
Every time some one gets a 090 Series saw, it is time to hollar from your front door! Ya, I am in this group of excited new saw owners as well! It is a big deal! These were-are big ol'saws! But unlike the other brand saw stickies we put individual posts of our saw, and let the other thread fall back several pages. I am guilty of this and sure will be in the future. But will do a better part adding to it. Keeping in mind the Contra-090 sharing thread is for only a handful of saws, and the other stickies, covers a great many in each brand.

It is our responsibility to keep that thread going by adding information, first hand knowledge of what we learn and pictures!(we love them!).
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Quick update

Just a quick update on the progress on the Contra S. I've cleaned it up and added the powder coated dogs. I haven't had time to clean up the body but will tomorrow. I have a day alone out here at the cabin alone so expect to get a lot of work done on my projects.

Anyway here is a pic of where it stands as of today. Once I get it all cleaned up I'll get it running and shoot a video.

As you can see the exterior and internal bonnets cleaned up nicely. The chain guard did as well and the powder coated dogs add to it significantly. Again tomorrow I'll attack the ceaning of the body of the beast.

I have no intention of painting the saw. I like them in original condition. I will replace parts that are in bad shape such as the drive sprocket and the spark plug wire.

Looks like youve got a good project there. We need to catch up sometime lemme know when your passin thru winchester or somethin and we can grab some coffee.

Will do Ryan...I need to drop my ATV off at Shenandoah Honda sometime soon. I'll give you a heads up. Otherwise you need to come out here and help me tune this monster. :msp_w00t:
That is one incredible looking saw. I am partial to fixing them up and not giving them new paint, I think that they look great with all of the old "battle scars". I am going to have to look into setting up an us cleaner. it really seems to do a great job. congratulations! I can't wait to see it completed!

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