I know, I know...oak burns hot, it's dense, it has HUGE BTU's... but I HATE oak when I'm trying to sell it. I offer exhibit A and B below. This is one year old pin oak that has been split and stacked in a single file rank since last April. The ends are checked and the bark has fallen off. It looks awesome! The outside reading is 16% moisture content. I take my handy Fiskars and split this nice log piece in half to find 53% mc inside! Ugh...
TBH the mc inside was pegging my moisture meter as it read "OL" (overload) on multiple areas of my fresh split.
To sell oak this stuff has to take up valuable space in my yard for 2 years if I'm going to get it down to 20% mc. I could have sold 3X the amount of maple, ash, cherry for the same time I have dealt with this oak. I think for the time I have to sit on oak more than ruins my ROI given any premium I can charge for it.
Another reason I hate oak is I honestly can't stand the odor when I'm cutting it. It reminds me of elementary school when some kid would barf in the hallway and the janitor would come by and spray that god awful aerosol can on it. Ugh...
There... I got that out of my system. Happy cutting everyone!
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