Time for a new saw!!!

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ArboristSite Lurker
Sep 19, 2002
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Okay, Okay!!! You guys have shamed me into getting rid of my 029
and purchasing a better saw!!I have got $325 to spend and I want at least an 18 inch bar. This all your fault and I need some good advice, so have at it!!!!!:confused:
before recomending anything i have to ask why do you need at least an 18'' bar???? if you are stating that as a possible referance to power then you are mistaken as bar size is not a representation of the saw's power. now with that says it would be helpful to us to know what you have in mind using the saw for. Ie. clearing brush, saplings, firewood ect. as you can put an 18'' bar or a 20'' on most any saw that we would recomend. not trying to be mean, just trying to find out what you plan on using it for:angel:
You are right, I should have given more info. I will use the saw for firewood, clearing and thinning a 25 acre plot of land I just purchased. Mostly hardwoods 14-30 inch range and some pines. I came up with the 18 as a guide as a possible all around user. Thanks
You will probably get a better trade in at a Stihl dealer, so of course an 026 would be the choice.

I would sell the 029 on ebay, since they almost always get $200 if they run, and use that money to get a Husky 346xp or a Husky 55 and convert it to .325 and port the muffler. To me it is the perfect firewood saw.
Your best bet is probably to trade it in at your Stihl dealer to obtain the best trade deal.

I would look at the MS260/026 or MS360/036 in thre Stihl line.

Also Jonsered 2149 or 2159

Good luck :)
I agree on the 026 or 036. Since you are looking for something with noticably more power than the 029, I'd say go with the 036. With your trade it should be below $300.
now knowing what you plan on using it for i would recomend a stihl ms360 pro with a 20'' bar and full chisel chain and don't foreget to wear chaps and a helment with eye and ear protection as well as heavy boots:angel: i have two 036's and love them, great power to weight ratio. i also have a husky 346xp 16'', ms191T 14'', an 021 16'' and a ms460 20'' and 28''. :angel:
If your not happy with your 029 get an 036 or bigger. An 026 has 3.5 hp, a 029 has 3.75 hp, a 036 has 4.42 hp. I like a ported 036 with a 20" bar. It has plenty of power for that bar but is still rather light in weight. Of course, if you bought an 088 you could send it out to Ken Dunn and cut down anything you want!!! If you start with a worked 088 you won't have to buy a bigger saw ever........well maybe a rotax......maybe you should make a bid on predator....at one second per cut you could have those 25 acres cleared in an afternoon.:p

You are listening to way too many people here. That 029 is more than capable of doing the job. A good chisel chain, A slight muffler mod, and it will run up to 20" with no big problem. I have ran them. 3 relatives use them for firewood every year. No problems. Just maintain properly.
i run my friends ported 29 with a 20'' bar and chisel chain and it still sucked:eek: although it did fine with a 16'':alien:
Hi Jetmecanic, It`s a shame that you have let anyone make you feel bad about your saw. While the 029 isn`t my first choice for a saw, if I owned one, I would probably us it `til it wore out. If you just want to upgrade now that you understand some of the differences between a Pro saw and a consumer saw, that`s different than being shamed into getting rid of the 029, but you still have to weigh the perceived advantages against the costs of upgrading. I`d be willing to bet that most guys, or chainsaw ladies, have had atleast one saw they wouldn`t brag about, but unless it is just plain unsafe or totally unreliable, use it up. Then when you move up you will really appreciate the difference. BTW, I have an 019T, go ahead and laugh, I still do when I ask myself "what was I thinking?". Frankly I don`t think that you will be able to upgrade from the 029 for $325. Ben Walker`s 036 is probably a good choice for a little bit more. I still say run what ya brung, and let skill and maintenance blow away all the dolts that spent big dollars on a pro saw, but who don`t know how to use or maintain it. You will look all that much more impressive. Russ
The only reason I rag on the 029 is because for the weight of the saw, compared to others, it should be making 6hp not 3.75 (which I believe they stretched on that too)
Also the saw is very difficult to work on compared to others

The good things about the saw are:
Its durable enough to almost justify its $300 price tag
It holds its value very well for some reason

If you use the saw a lot (several times a month) the upgrade, your back will appreciate it

If you are lucky to get it out once a month, keep it til it dies, because even dead its worth $100 on eBay.

What is so difficult about an 029? I have taken apart Huskys and see no difference. Take no longer to replace parts than on any other saw I have worked on.

The 029 is a semi-pro saw and not a bad one either. I agree with Huskyman that it's power to weight ratio is a little heavy at 13 lbs however, when your 35 y.o and use it once in a while it is very livable with, 20 years later it is a different story. If used for it's intended purpose it holds it's own and will last just as long. Why spend lots of money on a pro unit if your not going to use it on a daily basis.

Clean air filter, good quality fuel and oil mix, sharp chains, a wrench and screwdriver all around once a year and your done. :rolleyes: :Eye: :Eye:
Re: difficult

Originally posted by stihltech
What is so difficult about an 029? I have taken apart Huskys and see no difference. Take no longer to replace parts than on any other saw I have worked on.

Stihltech I dont do nearly as much work as you do on saws, so I am sure you could do it much faster than I could. I took apart an 029 with a scored piston and it was a PIA. Getting to the bolts on the jug sucked. Had to take the entire saw apart just about. I know I could have the jug off of my 670 or 55 in half the time. It is obvious the 029 was not designed to be taken apart once it was assembled is all.