My wife is a list person. Write everything down, cross it off with a smile when it is done at the end of the day. I'm a procrastinator, and use imaginary lists. I write a list on the kitchen glass board, it looks at it me for a week. Then I erase it. Last winter I did not cover the wood pile. Wet wood this year. Year before the racks were all grouped together and covered with two 30' x 50' tarps. But, they had some holes in them from the year before that, which made them more like funnels with two feet of melting snow and spring rains. The tarps then acted as a moisture trap. Did I say not covering did not work either. It has rained every week this year. So yesterday, beautiful calm day, I took a break from splitting and cut up the tarps (the ones staring at me on a pallet). I did a few test pieces a several weeks ago, but, it was a pain on my hands and knees, and I needed twenty three more 6' x 6' pieces. I took a few minutes to built a temporary work table with saw horsed (2) 2" x 4"s, (2) sheets osb, and a couple spring clamps. Pair of scissors, chalk box and a hammer. Table worked great for measuring without measuring, rip cutting, and folding. 23 Done!!!! Now when I top off a rack it gets covered with a half sheet of osb and tarp before it is moved. No big tarps to mess with by myself, not now, not in the spring. I do have (100) 1/3 cord racks to fill and deal with yet. Thinking of pushing three together for a 4' x 8' cord and cover with a full sheet of osb and tarp for those, maybe skip the osb.