It may be the difference in being in a Podunk backwater of a village imitating a city, and being in a high end exurban area where there is a population of informed consumers.
I give your Dad (ol'mange) credit for an initial attempt at not taking any money "I'd leave it alone".
My first reaction is to talk them into a standard prune, maybe a tad on the heavy side, explaining how topping cuts will create decay in the long term. How adventitious sprouts grow fast and may have a tendency to break off in high winds. How the maintenance cycle is shorter and messier yadda, yadda, yadda
Then I will try to get a drop crotch and lateral reduction, so there is some structure left in the tree.
My last suggestion, on smaller trees, is to basal cut and allow natural regeneration.
I've walked from jobs that were not good for the tree or the client in the long term, and I have added disclaimers to agreements stating that this is what they wanted, it added more risk then it mitigated and that they were responsible for any yada, yadda, yadda, yadda
It does depend on if I am needing the money and if they cannot afford a full removal and cannot sleep with tree over the house.