ArboristSite Operative
Dude, you are my new hero.
Coming from a guy who pays $15 bucks an hour and wonders where the good help is, that's really no surprise.
Dude, you are my new hero.
I've run into a few guys that I fired 30 years ago. No really great experiences; awkward and uncomfortable. But 30 years ago I didn't know what I didn't know. My suggestion is to treat everyone with as much respect as you can manage even if you'd really like to feed them through the chipper.
Somebody I used to know would never fire an employee. He'd simply put them on a pricker bush clearing job until they quit on their own.
Today I was forced to pick up a day laborer by a friend for a few jobs. The day laborer pissed me off to no end today, between whining about lunch, not doing a complete job, and of course... spilling a half gallon of bio bar and chain oil all over my gear at the end of the day. So at 4:30 I took him back to my house and made him pull weeds, vines, and pricker bushes for well over an hour with no gloves, clippers, or anything else.... all the while yelling at him to move faster, and to do a better job. I dropped him off in the afternoon with a highly reduced pay relative to what other day laborers get. If it had been raining I would have been even happier.
A number of years ago one of my guys was being really stupid and careless... so I made him load some good sized sugar maple logs into the back of the dump truck by himself... giving the rest of the crew orders not to help.
Any thoughts on other ways to torture a temp employee that is legal?
I'm reading alot of tongue in cheek.
I mean, seriously, torture is a relative term, only recently brought to the forefront of sensitivity thanks to recent events and the media's portrayal.
Nothing I've read, even from those I see as being 'serious' is anything like unto 'real' torture. So I don't see the cause for alarm or condescending disapproval. These workers aren't in bonds doing something against their will.
Is some of it in bad taste, uncalled for, poor form?
Likely, but far from torture. More like some hazing and whatnot, perhaps similar in some ways to what you might find a drill sergeant putting our young Americans through during basic training. Why?
I spent 4 months in Fort Benning, Ga during the summer with some of the finest Drill Sergeants ever to wear the uniform. I’ve been put through some nonsense, and I’ve seen worse, especially when they were trying to make or break someone. It builds character and it’s for the subjects own good one way or the other. It also enhances the organization as a whole to weed out those not up to the task.
Some just don’t belong in tree care. And with the way the system is set up I can understand the purpose in making someone, that isn’t going to cut it anyway, want to search the horizons.
For me, I don’t see the need to do anything special, just amp up the pace a bit and there is ‘torture’ enough for the timid.
In this industry, you either love it, or hate it. Chances are that is the case in any industry that requires true labor. Pure workers are a rare breed in this day and age where I don’t believe that the propensity for labor can be taught. It has to be realized and desired.
You have to say for deep within: “I want to work.” “That is, I want to function in a physically demanding way”
To me, true tree care demands the relatively unique combined requirements of mind, body, and spirit.
To some degree it has to be aside from what you expect to gain monetarily. Not that wages, or bottom dollar earnings, shouldn’t be an issue, but rather when I look at what I accomplished in a day’s time I am not thinking about it solely in terms of how much money I made. To me, it’s a separate issue to an extent, because I benefit in ways that cannot be measured in terms of dollars and cents.
At any rate, sadly, I believe that too many people these days have little to no concept for real work thanks in large to the lap of luxury we’ve become accustom to as a society. Is this not a most hideous form of torture then, especially when you consider the potential fallout? The talons have sunk in…smooth, silent, secure…and then……
This all reminds me of my last employer and the human resources
department. Talk about upsetting you get them to work and they
whine to H&R supervisor starts probing and humiliating you until
you finally have enough bs and then stand up and tell them the
way it is! I always was expected to get it done when young then
the H&R expects you to do the boys work I was in their face and
prolly why I am no longer there. We don't need pu----- we need
young men willing to work and it has got to the point that getting
that out of them is cruel and unusual punishment, BS. To all the
bleeding hearts where were you when I was a youngster? Some
of the bosses I had were definitely what you are after, did I complain?
I done what was expected or seeked a new job. I had one of these
young punks after a few and lucky for me never one that could be
substantiated, That I finally through my hands in the air and told
H&R ok, your boy will set in the truck all day and if late will not
be reprimanded I will not even speak to him and the only contact
I will make with the punk will be filling out a full 40 hr time card.
I was then told that I have a problem etc,etc and I said no I
am not the problem but that will be my solution. They must not
have liked my solution because they moved him to another crew
where he lasted two weeks before being fired.
Who do you think the torture affected here?
I would say the HR dept had it in for you by wasting your time and not letting you can the guy. They want results but they don't want to know how nasty it will be.
And by the sound of things I wouldn't be caught dead in a 50 foot perimeter of you if I wasn't in a tank... and it had its own tawlet.![]()
I will say this once and you have to be smart and experienced to
comprehend it. The only torture is to good employees that work
many years for an employer.
True that you have to WANT IT! Want it real bad... for SOME reason. True its an empowering job, you have to want what you get out of it, whatever that may be.
I guess if I was locked up with a bunch of guys getting schooled on killing and dying I would go with the flow... or break. Hell in my state if a gang of teenages looked at me funny I would get nervous much less nervous than a gang of throatcutting desert dwellers. It is safe to say a man needs to be ready for that, might want to test him on it.
I had a job in a Saturn dealership where they wanted to initiate you by putting you in the wheeled and lockable parts cage and running you through the car washer. Personally its something I would just do on my own for fun but these guys decides to swarm one afternoon. We all got hurt pretty bad.
Tree work ain't killing people and the salary and benifits for most employees in the field are low. I guess if so many companies weren't outfitted with low rent jackasses we might have something. Don't forget the real deal labor and military that formed this country was not comprised of rosey pink happy Americans.