torturing bad employees

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I gotta say I think you are a moron. 15 bucks an hour is much more than alot of these bigger companies pay, so F#$@ off bud. :)

The value of your opinion, to me - 0
The fact that I bothered you - PRICELESS
loser dude
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:sword: :popcorn: :popcorn: :buttkick: :popcorn:

Children children, knock it off. :givebeer: You sound like me going after joBushCo and nilbog. It is fun though.
i would sooooooooo drop a load outa the tree out in the woods lol.

I would to, That might have to make my bucket list, Just to know how a monkey feels, to feel the breeze going between the knees and chit tickets with in an arm reach, ahhh just like heaven.:cheers:
At the end of the day, find ONE positive aspect. You may have to dig hard.
Spotlight this one aspect and suggest another job in which this person's one and only good trait might fit a particular job. Send him off with something positive. Either way, he's fired.

Stirring bad energy into your life and job...... it's just something to think about. You take it from here.

Like a McDonalds application? I used to use them. Very effective.

I love this thread. I once was 1 of those being Tortured employees. I was 27 when I started, to old ,to fat, to slow, never ran any saw, never seen any chipper, I could drive the Truck couldn't back up a chipper I got all the Good jobs. Drive out to a large pile of brush pushed up with a Front end loader, chip go dump and so on for days 3,4 far to long I knew they wanted me gone bad days Foreman found me on the last day still banging away at it about half done. said enough we can load it out with a Prentice loader, what ever that was. I mean I got the best jobs. 200 Thorny Locust trees in a row. just put the brush in to that Whipper chipper just push it in there. The foreman was 28 the climber was 34, the ground men were 18, 20 , they liked to tell me How it Will Be Done. D@m I miss being the NFG. They said the Apprenticeship was going to be 2 Years behind that chipper. To H@## with that I was up learning to climb in 6 months.
There again I was the new guy in that.
same stuff all over again just with climbing