I just did a google search for used hydroseeders and hundreds showed up. I would try Craigslist and even Ebay. From what I saw in the machinery trader type listings, most where for mostly large, expensive machines. Hydroseeders come in all sizes from 100gal up to 4000gal maybe even larger. Lots of folks get into the hydroseeing business thinking they will make it rich. They find out it isnt as easy as spraying some seed and water on the ground and soon go bust, and that equipment can usually be bought pretty cheap. On the hydroseeding.org forum, they usually have lots of used hydroseeders for sale and I know Ray Badger of Turboturf, takes in lots of tradein's and usually sales those pretty reasonable. He's located in Penn, so shipping to Ca. might be prohibitive. He also builds specialty spray rigs, but I dont know if fire fighting rigs are part of what he sales. I see all kinds of hydroseeders setting out in the weed patches not being used. Heck, I have a old 500gal, skid mount, machine setting out back, no engine, but the tank and pump should still be good. If someone wanted to build a fire tanker, it would make a good candidate, just mount a engine. Probably not worth the price of shipping. I have already robbed the engine for my wood splitter and have plans for the rest of the hydraulics as well.