Nice!!!Dertiminate plants ony grow to a certain height. Indeterminate are more sprawling and can grow 6 feet or more. They determinate are much easier to grow because of the plant size.The tomatoes my friend and probably all big growers are piced with a machine. Pretty much every tomato in the field is picked. The good and bad. I personally thought what I saw on his trailer were pretty nasty. I do know they have high tech sorting machines nowadays but I don't think they are 100% accurate. Some of mine from years past.View attachment 996194View attachment 996195
My best year I put up/canned 13 gallons of tomato/spaghetti sauce. I'll have ~30-35 plants this year, ~30 peppers.......
This year I've got an outside 4-burner commercial propane stovetop so won't have to can inside when it's already too hot.
Good article. Another story.A Mennonite produce farmer bought hay to feed his cows. He then spread the cow manure on his fields. The next spring he planted tomatoes. A few weeks later they started to die. Extension office was called and they determined it was herbicide injury. They traced it back to the herbicide that was sprayed on the hay field and it passed through the cow and into the manure and was the taken up by the tomato plants. !fter I heard that I always checked with any hay producer I was buying hay from to find out if it was sprayed. 2,4D is not one of the herbicides that is that pers
Another thing to watch for is horse manure. Some wormers will pass through the horse and will kill nightcrawlers/earthworms. Not sure how long that needs to compost?
I used to get free dumptruck loads of horse manure from a friend, he told me about the different wormers and that his horses only got the dirt worm friendly wormer. He sold the farm ,I miss that as used to be able to cover the whole garden with ~6" of rotted manure in spring before spring plowing.